일생에 가장 후회되는 일은? The No. 1 Regret Most People Have
남성은 직장 관련 후회 많아
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“그 때 그렇게만 하지 않았어도...” 사람들은 숱한 기회를 놓치고 또 그것을 후회하며 살아간다. 그런데 “일생 동안 무엇을 가장 후회하느냐?”고 물으면 남자와 여자가 각각 다른 대답을 내 놓는 것으로 나타났다.
미국 노스웨스턴 대학교와 일리노이 대학교 공동 연구팀이 성인 남녀 370명을 대상으로 ‘일생에서 가장 후회하는 것’을 조사한 결과 여성은 사랑과 관련된 일을, 남성은 직장이나 성공과 관련된 일을 많이 후회하는 것으로 나타났다.
이번 연구는 성인들에게 ‘인생에서 가장 후회하는 일을 상세하게 묘사해 달라’고 한 뒤 그 답을 분석하는 방식으로 진행됐다. 그 결과, 여성 응답자의 18%는 “그 때 그 남자를 놓친 것이 후회된다”거나 “그 때 사랑을 고백했어야 했다”는 식으로 사랑이나 연애에 관한 일을 후회한다고 답했다.
또 가족과의 관계에 대한 후회가 16%로 뒤를 이었고 교육(13%)과 경력(12%)에 대한 후회가 다음을 차지했다. 재정적인 문제(10%)에 대한 후회는 상대적으로 낮았다. 남성들의 대답은 달랐다.
남성들은 “그 때 직장을 옮겼어야 했다”는 식으로 경력이나 교육 등 자기의 성공 문제에 대해 후회하는 비율이 34%로 가장 높게 나왔다. 또 사랑과 가족에 대한 후회는 모두 합쳐도 19%에 그쳐 여성들과는 차이를 보였다. 여성들이 주변 사람과의 관계를 중시한 반면 남성들은 사회적 성공을 가장 중요한 가치로 생각하는 경우가 많았다는 뜻이다.
노스웨스턴 대학교 심리학과 닐 루즈 교수는 “여자는 남자에 비해 주변 사람과의 관계를 유지하거나 보호하는 것을 더 중요하게 생각하는 경향이 있다”고 설명했다. 이런 내용은 헬스데이뉴스 등에 실렸다.
코메디닷컴 권순일 기자 (kstt77@kormedi.com)
The No. 1 Regret Most People Have
When Americans think of their biggest regrets, the No. 1 misgiving is romance--be it the dead-end relationship that continued far too long or the wonderful lover who got away.
HealthDay News reports that researchers at Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign surveyed 370 adults ages 19 to 103 about their life's regrets, specifically things they wished they had done differently. They were asked to describe in detail one particular decision they deeply regretted.
The top six regrets involved these topics:
Romance: 18 percent
Family: 16 percent
Education: 13 percent
Career: 12 percent
Finance: 10 percent
Parenting: 9 percent
The biggest regret for women: When it comes to relationship regrets about romance or family, women are far more likely to harbor misgivings for their actions--specifically 44 percent for women, compared with 19 percent for men.
"It speaks to something psychologists have known for a long time. Women are typically charged with the role of maintaining and preserving relationships, so when things do go wrong, it's very spontaneous for women to think, 'I should have done it some other way,'" senior study author Neal Roese, a psychologist and professor of marketing at Northwestern, told HealthDay News. "It's how men and women are raised in this culture."
The biggest regret for men: Men are more likely to have regrets about work or education--specifically 34 percent for men, compared with 26 percent for women.
Career regrets typically involve missed opportunities, either turning down a job or failing to take the necessary risks that could have led to a better or more fulfilling career. "There was a sense of frustration that a job doesn't reflect inner passion," Roese told HealthDay News.
People who have less education have more regrets about that, while those who have more education, tend to have regrets about their career.
"As people rise higher in our culture, there is a perception of greater opportunities," Roese explained to HealthDay News. "Paradoxically, the more opportunities you have, the more ways you can see how you could have gotten more...Opportunity fuels the regret experience."
The most long-lasting regrets people had were typically for things they did not do, such as risks they never took or feelings they never expressed to a loved one. Roese said it's typical in retrospect to rationalize our mistakes, but also to forget the barriers that led to the inaction.
But take heart. Regret is actually good for you! Regrets can be painful, but they can lead to positive action so future mistakes are avoided. "Regret is an essential part of the human experience," Roese told HealthDay News. "You should listen to the lessons your regrets tell you, which is quite often how you could have done things differently or how you could change things."
The study findings were published in the journal Social Psychological and Personality Science.
--From the Editors at Netscape
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