네덜란드의 유서 깊은 '비스보쉬 박물관'의 친환경 리모델링 Grass-Covered Rooftop Converts Dutch Museum into Ecological Cultural Attraction

Grass-Covered Rooftop Converts Dutch Museum into Ecological Cultural Attraction

네덜란드의 유서깊은 '비스보쉬 박물관'이 매력적인 생태 문화관광명소로 탈바꿈했다.

비스보쉬 박물관은 고도 '도르드레흐트시' 인근에 위치하고 있다.

최근에 8개월에 걸쳐 대규모 생태환경사업을 시행하고 최근에 일부 개관했다.

비스보쉬 박물관은 1421년 홍수가 도르드레흐트시를 덮친 후 건립됐다고 한다.

이후 아티스트와 사진작가들을 위한 문화적 허브로 자리매김 해왔다.

디자인회사 '마르코 페르묄런(Marco Vermeulen)사가 시공하고 있는 이 친환경 

관광명소의 생태 환경 사업은 내년 여름에 모두 완공될 예정이다.

기존의 건물은 철거돠고 기존의 땅에 인공 부지를 조성하는 이 사업은 원래 과거의 홍수 피해에 대한 안전대책의 개념으로 시작되었지만 나중에 생태적 컨셉이 추가됐다.

새 박물관은 에너지 최소화 와 지속적이고 포괄적인 디자인으로 거의 대부분 조각 작품이

전시될 예정이다

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

By Kristine Mitchell

The Biesbosch Museum, located near the city of Dordrecht in the Netherlands, recently went through a massive redesign and has now been opened to the public. The 8-month-long transformation includes the addition of an organic restaurant, an outdoor seating area, a new wing extension, and a rooftop that covers the entire building with grass, herbs and other flora. A rooftop walkway winds through the new grassy knolls and ends in a lookout that allows visitors to admire the surrounding parkland. In the cooler months, a biomass stove maintains the building’s ambient temperature, while an indoor water feature works to cool the museum in the warmer months.

The Biesbosch Museum was established after flooding swept through the area in 1421, and has since been recognized as a cultural hub for artists and photographers to gather inspiration. The transformation is managed byStudio Marco Vermeulen and is set to be fully completed in Summer 2016, with the land around the existing museum building to be removed, converting the original site into a man-made island. The project was initiated in response to water-related safety concerns for the area, and the new additions add both safety and ecological value. The new museum now serves as an almost sculptural piece of land art, with a sustainable, holistic design and additions that aid in minimizing energy consumption.


Biesbosch Museum: Website | Facebook
via [Contemporist]



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