Iraq reveals plans to build world's tallest tower(VIDEO) 이라크, 세계 최고 '230층 수퍼 빌딩' 건립 추진

Iraq reveals plans to build world's tallest tower

4개 빌딩 구성

주빌딩 높이 사우디 킹돔타워보다 152m 더 높은 1,152m

AMBS Architects’ Bride Tower will feature 230 storeys, and will be topped by a 180m-tall antenna

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

AMBS건축회사에 의해서 제안된 '브라이드 타워'는 230층을 자랑하며 

높이는 1,152m이다. 첨탑부는 180m로 4개의 빌딩으로 구성된다.

완공 시에는 현재 시공 중에 있는 사우디의 1,000m 높이의 킹돔타워보다도

152m가 더 높다.

킹돔타워는 삼성물산이 시공한 830m 높이의 두바이 부르즈 할리파 빌딩보다 

앞서기 위해  계획된 바 있다.

4개의 빌딩 중 브라이드 타워의 주빌딩 높이는 1,152m, 나머지 3개 빌딩의 높이는 

724m, 484m and 61m이다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

Diagram showing the space efficiency of Vertical City in comparison to other to super-tall towers

세계 슈퍼빌딩 비교표. 브라이드 타워> 킹돔타워>브르즈 할리파 source

Iraq's southern Basra Province is planning to build a 1,152 metre "mega tall" skyscraper which will be taller than Dubai's Burj Khalifa, currently the tallest building in the world, and the under-construction 1km Kingdom Tower in Jeddah.

by Aidan Imanova on Nov 25, 2015 

The Bride Tower, proposed by AMBS Architects, will comprise of 230 storeys, be topped by an 188-metre tall antenna and will comprise four conjoined towers.

If completed, the tower will be 152 metres higher than the planned height for the Kingdom Tower designed by architects Adrian Smith + Gordon Gill, which aims to surpass the current tallest tower, Dubai's Burj Khalifa.

The proposed Basra structure will be covered by a glazed canopy on its south facade, referred to as a "veil", which is designed to provide shade to the building's low-rise buildings and public areas.

The three other towers within the structure are set to be 724 metres, 484 metres and 61 metres.


The name of the building is a reference to the rapidly growing city of Basra as a business hub, nicknamed the Bride of the Gulf.

AMBS has designed the first public library that was built in Iraq since the 70s and has offices in Baghdad and London.

Describing the project as "the first vertical city in the world", the architects said it will not only be the tallest building but will also break new ground in engineering and vertical transportation.

"In contrast to a conventional tower, the Bride will be a place that may be enjoyed by all, not only for the ones that live and work there, but also the rest of the public," the architects said in a statement.

The Bride Tower will feature offices, hotels, residential areas, commercial centres, parks and gardens as well as its own rail network spanning across 1,550,908 square metres of floor space.

It will surpass the "super tall" tower category since breaking the 600 metres high mark and will venture into the realm of the "mega tall" tower.

"Super-tall towers are perceived as an object in the distance," said AMBS. "An alien planted in the city, disconnected from the urban scale at ground level. The Bride, on the other hand, will be conceived as a city itself both vertically but also horizontally from the ground."

"It will be enjoyed by thousands of people in endless ways, within it, on it or under it," the firm added. "From walking in the vast shaded parks and promenades at ground level, to having lunch or shopping in a sky-square hundreds of metres above sea level."




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