이집트, 두바이 아랍텍사와 1백만호 주택건설사업 MOU체결 취소 UAE: Arabtec-Egypt 1 million homes MoU cancelled

합의조건에 도달하지 못해

Arabtec's previous MoU with Egypt's government entailed the construction of one million homes in 

the country. 

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집



   이집트 정부가 두바이 아랍텍회사와의 1백만호 주택건설사업 MOU체결을 취소했다

2014년 3월에 양국간 MOU 체결된 이집트의 1백만호 주택건설사업은  이후 합의조건에 도달하지 못한채 물거품이 되고 말았다. 따라서 아랍텍사는 13천호만을 건설할 전망이다.

아랍텍은 이집트 정부에 13천호 주택건설계획안을 이미 제출했으며. "이 제안은 받아들여질 것으로 생각한다" 고 아랍텍 회장은 언급했다.

또한 아랍텍 회장은 "2015년은 회사에 어려운 한해가 될 것이며 올해 3분기까지 2억5천7백만불의  손실을 기록했다. 이것은 회사의 당면한 현실이다"라고 한숨을 지었다.

by Ki Chul Hwang 

Conpaper  Editor Distributor 

황기철  콘페이퍼 에디터

by Neha Bhatia on Nov 17, 2015 
A deal between Dubai contractor Arabtec and the government of Egypt, pertaining to the construction of one million homes in the North African country, has reportedly been cancelled. 

Arabtec will consequently build 13,000 homes in the country. 

The firm inked a memorandum of understanding with Egypt's government in March 2014, but both parties failed to find common ground with the agreement's terms and conditions. 

A new proposal has been submitted for the construction of 13,000 homes, Mohamed Thani Al Rumaithi, Arabtec's chairman, confirmed. 

"We assume they will accept soon," he told Reuters.

Rumaithi, who assumed his responsibilities at Arabtec in May 2015, said 2015 would be a difficult year for the firm, which reported losses worth $257m (AED945m) for the third quarter of 2015.

"2015 will be a very, very tough year. That's the reality because of the losses the company has faced," he said. 




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