서울과 뉴욕을 넘나드는 '견우와 직녀'의 만남 Long Distance Couple Stays Connected through Split Portraits of Parallel Experiences
Long Distance Couple Stays Connected through Split Portraits of Parallel Experiences
한국인 커플 신단비양과 이석군은 수만리 멀리 떨어져 있지만 바로 코앞에서
만나고 있는 것 같은 사진들을 연출해 냈다.
현재 신단비양은 뉴욕에 이석군은 서울에 살고 있다.
뉴욕과 서울과의 시간차는 14시간이다.
마치 사랑하는 '견우와 직녀'의 만남 같은 아름다운 장면이다
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
By Anna Gragert
Korean couple Danbi Shin and Seok Li are two halves of the same whole—even if they're 6,863 miles apart. Since Danbi currently lives in New York and Seok Li is based in Seoul, the couple bridges the distance by collaborating on their Half&Half photo project. While they're on video calls, Danbi and Seok will simultaneously capture a photograph in their different locations. They then put these photos side-by-side, for their shared ShinLiArt venture, to explore the similarities that can be found in their individual lifestyles. Even though there's a 14-hour time difference, both artists are able to find parallels between their surroundings and their daily routines. Danbi and Seok's work reveals that our humanity is just as important as our geography.
ShinLiArt: Website | Facebook | Instagram
via [DesignTAXI]
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