아시아 도시 지하철, 세계최대 규모 교통량도 최고 Asian cities top the metro ridership ranking

세계 156개 도시 지하철

절반이 아시아에서 운행

도꾜 지하철 교통량 최다

중국 대도시 교통량 급증 

서울지하철 4위

source UITP

Tokyo Metro source youinjapan.net

일본 도쿄지하철

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

    세계교통협회(UITP)는 2015.11.5.일, 아시아의 도시들이 세계적으로 가장 최대 규모이면서 운행 빈도가 최고인 도시 철도망을 갖추고 있다고 보고하였다.


세계지하철 보고서(The World Metro Figures)에 의하면 2014년 현재 운영 중인 156개의 지하철 중 2/3가 아시아와 유럽에 있으며, 거의 절반은 아시아 도시에서 운영되고 있는 것으로 나타났다.


도꾜 지하철이 가장 빈도가 높은 지하철로 꼽혔는데 2012년보다 10%가 증가된 연 36억 명의 수송실적을 보였다.


중국의 지하철도 가파른 성장세를 나타냈다. 세계 두 번째 규모를 자랑하는 베이징 지하철의 경우 34억 명을 수송하여 39%의 신장세를 보였다. 상하이 지하철이 세계 3위로 28%가 늘어난 28억 명을 수송하였다. 한편 서울지하철은 4위로 26억, 모스크바가 그 다음으로 24억 명으로 집계 되었다.


아시아 도시들이 지하철 연장 길이 측면에서도 단연 두각을 나타내어 상하이와 베이징이 각각 548km, 527km로 1, 2위를, 3위는 런던으로 436km였다.


보고서는 또한 세계 지하철의 1/4이 최소한 한 개 노선의 완전자동화 설비를 갖추고 있다고 말하였다. 세계 35개 도시, 732km가 자동화 되어 있는데 두바이, 뱅쿠버, 싱가포르가 각각 80km, 68km, 65km의 자동화 노선을 가지고 있었다.


“지하철망을 갖춘 도시들은 모두 성장과 발전의 핵심 위치에 있었으며 앞으로도 경제 활동, 기업경영 그리고 창의성을 발휘하는데 있어 중요한 엔진 역할을 다 할 것입니다.”라고 UITP 사무총장 Mr. Alain Flausch은 말한다.

레일뉴스 유희복기자



In 2014 an average of 160 million passenger journeys were done every day in the 156 cities with a metro network. In tandem with the increase in the worldwide urban population, metro networks have been expanding at a remarkable pace. Approximately 40% of the 11,300 km of metro track infrastructure have been put into operation since 2000. During 2014 new systems were inaugurated in Salvador (Brazil), Changsha, Ningbo and Wuxi (China), Mumbai (India), Shiraz (Iran) and Panama City (Panama).

More details about metro systems worldwide can be found in the freely available Statistics Brief below. The publication also looks provides data on metro automation, whereby the entire train operation is supervised via train control systems, rather than staff on board. 35 cities operate at least one of the lines of their metro network as automated lines, with a total length of 732 km. This section is based on the work of the Observatory of Automated Metros.

The worldwide metro ridership and infrastructure data is included in a database compiled by UITP. As part of their service package benefits, UITP Advantage and Premium member companies can access this database freely via the Mobi+ online library.


Standard UITP members and non-members may purchase the database for a fee of €50 or €100 respectively by contacting Doriano ANGOTZI, Membership Project Manager, at doriano.angotzi(at)uitp.org.


Asian cities dominate the ranking of the world’s biggest and busiest metro systems according to a new report from UITP.

The report, ‘World Metro Figures,’ is a comprehensive study on the current state of the world’s metro networks and highlights potential future developments. The report shows that in 2014, 156 cities around the world had a metro system in operation, nearly two thirds of which were in Asia and Europe.  

“In 2014 alone, more than 500km of new lines were added in cities around the world.

The world’s busiest metro network is the Tokyo metropolitan area, with almost 3.6bn passenger journeys per year, a 10% increase compared to 2012. Chinese metro systems have also enjoyed significant growth and Beijing (3.4bn, +39%) and Shanghai (2.8bn, +25%) are 2nd and 3rd respectively. Rounding out the top five are Seoul (2.6bn, +8%) and Moscow (2.4bn, -1%). Metros carry over 160m passengers per day (+7.9% compared to 2012), nearly half of which are in Asia.

Asian cities are also on top when it comes to the world’s longest metro networks, with the Chinese cities of Shanghai and Beijing boasting 548km and 527km of lines respectively, while London rounds out the top three with 436km. In 2014 alone, more than 500km of new lines were added in cities around the world.

The growing trend for automation

The report also reveals that nearly a quarter of the world’s metro systems have at least one fully automated metro line. There are 732km of automated metro lines in 35 cities around the world, with Dubai (80km), Vancouver (68km) and Singapore (65km) at the forefront in terms of infrastructure length.

In the 40 years since the first fully automated metro line, the growth in automation has accelerated exponentially with every decade: current forecasts estimate the total to exceed 2,200km by 2025, with the MENA region and Asia spearheading this growth. 





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