개를 기르면 어린이에게 좋은 점 Pet dogs 'may help children avoid asthma'

Pet dogs 'may help children avoid asthma'

천식 발병률 낮춰

스트레스·우울증·심장병 낮추고 

대인관계도 좋아져

source findadogminder.com.au

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


    개를 기르면 스트레스, 우울증, 심장병을 줄여줄 뿐만 아니라 어린이들의 천식 발병률까지 낮춰준다는 연구 결과가 나왔다.

3일(현지시간) 스웨덴 웁살라 대학 등의 연구팀이 미국의학협회저널(JAMA) 소아과학에 게재한 논문을 보면 개와 함께 생활하는 어린이들은 그렇지 않은 경우보다 천식에 걸릴 위험이 15%나 낮은 것으로 조사됐다.

연구팀은 이번 조사를 위해 스웨덴에서 진행된 기존 9개 연구 결과를 비교 분석했다. 이들 9개 연구가 대상으로 삼은 어린이는 줄잡아 100만 명에 달한다.

연구팀은 이들 9개 연구를 비교해 개와 함께 생활하는 어린이들이 천식에 걸리는 정도를 분석했더니 개를 기르지 않는 어린이보다 15%나 낮았다.

연구팀은 "이번 조사는 무려 100만 명에 달하는 어린이를 상대로 진행된 연구를 분석했다는 점에서 일반화할 수 있다"고 강조했다.

그러나 연구팀은 개를 기르는 것이 어떤 이유로 천식 발병률을 낮추는지는 규명하지 못했다. 다만 개를 기르면 유전자와 알레르기 유발 항원에 영향을 미치는 것이라고만 추정했다.

아울러 개를 기르면 대인관계가 좋아질 뿐만 아니라 생활태도도 더욱 적극적으로 변화시킨다.

개만 천식 발병을 낮추는게 아니다. 그간의 의학계에 발표된 연구 결과를 보면 농장에서 기르는 여러 동물도 천식 발병을 낮추는 것으로 알려져 있다.

의학계에서는 전세계적으로 천식 환자가 2억3천만 명에 달하는 것으로 추산하고 있다. 미국에서는 전체 어린이의 8.5%가 천식에 시달리고 있다.

(뉴욕=연합뉴스) 이강원 특파원 gija007@yna.co.kr

By Michelle Roberts 

Health editor, BBC News online

Young children who have a pet dog in the home are less likely to go on to develop asthma, a large Swedish study has found. 

Exposure to a dog in the first year of life was linked to a 13% lower risk of asthma in later childhood among the 650,000 children the authors tracked. 

The findings, in JAMA Pediatrics, support the idea that pets can bolster the immune system and prevent allergy. 

More evidence is still needed - past studies have found conflicting results.

Certainly, for a child who is already allergic to dogs, buying a puppy would not be a good idea, say the Swedish researchers.

Man's best friend?
Pets are a common cause of allergy, with half of all asthmatic children allergic to cats and 40% allergic to dogs, according to the charity Allergy UK. 

When animals groom themselves, they lick. Skin cells covered in saliva - animal dander - are shed along with loose fur. It's the dander to which some people become sensitised. 

The findings of this latest study suggest exposure to dog dander in infancy might actually be beneficial.

Children who had grown up with a dog in their home were less likely to have asthma at the age of seven than children without dogs.

Living on a farm with lots of animals seemed to confer even more protection, cutting the risk of asthma by about 50%.

Lead scientist Prof Tove Fall, from Uppsala University in Sweden, said: "Our results confirmed the farming effect and we also saw that children who grew up with dogs had about 15% less asthma than children without dogs."

She said this fits with the hygiene hypothesis which favours exposure to dust and dirt to improve our tolerance of common allergens. The findings should also provide some reassurance for parents. 

"That's important information for parents who are pregnant or are planning to have a baby, that they should not worry about getting a dog or a puppy if they would like to.

"But if you have an allergic child you should not get a dog to cure your child. It won't work and will probably make the allergy worse."

If you are allergic and live with pets, there are things you can do to cut your risk of having an allergic reaction. 

Asthma UK advises:

■Try to keep pets out of your bedroom and where possible living area 
■Regular grooming and bathing of cats and dogs can help 
■You could try using air filters and an efficient vacuum cleaner. This might be helpful for people who have cat allergies; however the evidence on the benefit of these remains unclear
■No breed of dog is completely "non-allergic" because they all shed dander
Amena Warner of Allergy UK said: "There have been a few studies that have alluded to this but not such a longitudinal study with so many children so from that point of view this is quite a powerful study. It's very welcome."

Erika Kennington of Asthma UK, said more research was needed to better understand the effects so that it could be turned into practical advice for parents of young children.

edited by kcontents 

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