"'고추' 비만과 당뇨 억제 역할"...융기원 이기원 교수 연구팀 Chili peppers for diabetes: let the hot flames burn up your high sugar

통증수용체의 비만과 당뇨억제 역할 규명

고추 매운맛인 캡사이신 인식 수용체(TRPV1), 인슐린 저항성 조절

에너지 대사 조절하는 호르몬 ‘렙틴’ 조절에도 영향

실험생물학 연구분야 최고 권위지 에 논문 실려

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집


  고추의 매운 성분인 캡사이신을 인식하는 통증수용체가 비만과 당뇨를 억제하는 효과가 있다는 연구결과가 발표됐다.

차세대융합기술연구원(이하 융기원, 원장 박태현) 식의약맞춤치료시스템 창발센터(이하 식의약센터) 이기원 교수 연구팀이 미국 메사추세츠 주립대 의대 제이슨 킴 교수와 국제공동연구를 통해 이 같은 사실을 규명했다고 2일 밝혔다.

통증수용체(TRPV1)은 우리 몸에서 통증을 느끼게 하는 단백질로, 고추에서 매운 성분인 캡사이신을 감각하는 수용체이다. 캡사이신은 TRPV1이라고 하는 단백질을 활성화시키는데, 이것이 발열반응과 통증을 일으켜 복합적으로 입안에서는 맵다고 인지하게 된다.

연구팀에 따르면 TRPV1유전자를 제거한 실험쥐에서 고지방식이나 노화에 의한 비만이 더욱 심하게 나타났으며, 2형 당뇨의 대표적인 증상인 인슐린 저항성이 나타났다.

특히 실험쥐의 지방세포와 심장의 인슐린 작용에 큰 문제가 나타나기 때문에 TRPV1이 지방과 심장, 당 대사에 있어서 중요한 역할을 한다는 설명이다. 즉 TRPV1이 없으면 비만과 당뇨에 더욱 취약하다는 것이다.

아울러 TRPV1이 없으면 렙틴(Leptin)이 제대로 작용하지 못하고, 렙틴 조절 실패로 인해 비만과 당뇨가 악화될 수 있음을 규명했다.

렙틴은 지방세포가 분비하는 호르몬으로, 음식물을 섭취한 후에 작용하여 포만감을 느끼게 하고 에너지 대사를 증진시키는 등 중요한 에너지 대사 조절 역할을 담당하고 있다.

연구팀은 “이러한 연구 결과는 기존에 알려진 대로 고추나 캡사이신 섭취가 비만의 확률을 낮춘다는 연구 결과와 상응한다고 할 수 있다.”며 “비만과 당뇨의 진행을 조절하는 데에 있어서 통증 수용체인 TRPV1의 역할이 매우 중요하다는 것을 간접적으로 보여주고 있다.”고 설명했다.

이번 연구 결과는 통증 수용체인 TRPV1이 비만과 당뇨의 진행을 조절하는 역할을 한다는 것을 밝힌 것으로, 특히 렙틴 저항성을 조절한다는 것을 세계 최초로 확인한 논문으로 평가 받고 있다.

이기원 교수는 “이번 연구 결과는 비만과 당뇨 등의 대사성 질환의 진행을 막는 천연물 신약이나 기능성 식품 개발에 응용할 수 있을 것.”이라고 밝혔다.

한편 이번 연구 결과는 미국 실험생물학 연맹(FASEB)이 발행하는 실험생물학 연구분야 최고 권위의 학술지인 미국 실험생물학 연맹지(FASEB Journal) 8월호에 게재됐다.

담 당 자 : 김미준 (전화 : 031-888-9034)

문의(담당부서) : 차세대융합기술연구원

연락처 : 031-888-9034


Chili peppers for diabetes: let the hot flames burn up your high sugar

Marcos Taqueche


Chili peppers: Latin name Capsicum annuum, common names are chilli pepper, bell pepper, paprika, cayenne, jalapenos, chitlepin, Christmas pepper. It is a plant native of Central and South America. They belongs to the nightshade family, Solanaceae. Capsaicin (methyl vanillyl nonenamide) is the active component in capsicum which I’ll talk more later. Capsicum has been cultivated for thousands of years and used both as a decorative item and as food and medicine. Chili peppers have spread around the world in the 15th and 16th century. It was brought to Europe by Christopher Columbus and used as a substitute for black pepper since that was an expensive import from Asia. Chili peppers come in a large variety. Red peppers are part of a group of 20 plant species belonging to the genus Capsicum of the botanical family Solanaceae. For a comprehensive list of all types of chili peppers visit this website.

Medicinal properties

The main mechanism behind the effectiveness of chili peppers as a medicine is that it can activate the transient receptor vanilloid (TRPV1). This receptor is associated with neurophatic and inflammatory pain, anxiety, and how our bodies process fats. This receptor is an important insulin regulator. This finding has led to the production of extracts aiming at a series of pharmacological strategies to treat medical conditions related to diabetes.

One of the main recent focus is the ability of capsaicin to treat gastrointestinal disorders. Even though it appear to be a promising idea, there are still some controversy. Because chili peppers can be a powerful irritant it seems counter intuitive to use it as a gastrointestinal remedy. However the compounds found in capsaicin have great potential in this area. More study is needed to evaluate a strategy on how to implement and use it.

However, strong evidence overwhelmingly points to chili peppers ability to improve weight loss, weight management and lowering blood sugar and improving insulin resistance. There are many studies substantiating these findings. However more research is needed for the creation of consistent controlled doses and methods of treatment using capsaicin.

Other medicinal uses are listed here. First items in the list have the most research evidence.

1.Pain relief 

◦this area have been extensively research. Capsaicin can be applied as a patch or cream and is effective for some pain conditions. Neurophatic pain, post surgical pain. Here are some reviews of the conditions under which capsaicin-containing pharmaceutical agents can best used.

2.Digestive tract 

◦Capsaicin sensitive neurons are associated with several gastrointestinal functions. Even though the action is known to be real, the effective of capsaicin in treating gastrointestinal conditions is not well understood. Controversy exist due to the know aggressive effects chili peppers have on the stomach lining causing severe irritation dyspepsia and peptic ulcers.

3.Obesity and diabetes 

◦Spicy food and its ability to enhance energy expenditure have been known since the 1980’s. A meal containing 3 grams of chili sauce can increase metabolic rate by 25%. The impact of red pepper on oxidation of carbohydrate, fat, and protein is not supported by all studies. Fat oxidation appears to be higher when capsaicin is consumed. In diabetes studies, capsaicin also has been reported to affect glucose and insulin homeostasis. There is good evidence that TRPV1 is involved in serum glucose regulation.

4.Capsaicin and cancer 

◦The effects of cancer are inconclusive and inconsistent. Epidemiological literature suggest that high consumption of chili peppers can increase the risk of stomach, liver, bladder and pancreatic cancer. Results of studies are not consistent. In some studies cancer preventive effects have been noted. Capsaicin and its analogs have been noted as potential cancer chemopreventive or chemotherapeutic agents like prevention of prostate cancer.

Anti diabetic properties

There is plenty of evidence suggesting that TRPV1 is involved in glucose regulation. It is an important regulator because it is detected in the pancreas and beta islet cells. TRPV1 has an important relationship to insulin release and diabetes. Studies using high doses of capsaicin given to mice have shown that it inhibits TRPV1 activity retarding age induced insulin resistance fighting glucose intolerance. Dogs given 9 mg of capsaicin intravenously decreased blood glucose levels and had their plasma insulin levels raised.

In a small human study, 10 woman consuming 5 g of fresh C frutenscens significantly prevented glucose elevation levels 30 minutes after an oral dose of glucose. In another study of 36 individuals consuming 30 g of chili peppers (about 33 mg of capsaicin per day) needed less insulin to control postprandial increase in glucose. This effect was more apparent in subjects with BMI 26.3 Kg/m2 and when it was consumed regularly. In another study 12 healthy volunteers performed the oral glucose tolerance test supplemented with 5 g C frutenscens resulting in a significant plasma glucose lowering concentrations and elevation of plasma insulin levels when compared with controls.





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