"뱀파이어 고양이" Adopted Vampire Cat ‘Loki’ Has The Most Evil Look Ever

인터넷서 인기 폭발

Forget vampire bats, let’s talk about vampire cats! Meet Loki and his human companion “Kaet.” This devious looking feline has been making the rounds on social media because of his unusual teeth that make him look like a vampire. Now, he just might be the most evil looking cat online!

“I’m not sure, when I adopted her from the shelter they didn’t give me many details about her looks,” writes Kate on Instagram. Loki seems to have suffered from several health problems, but if his human’s posts online are any indication, he’s in good hands!

미국 Buzzfeed 8월 18일의 보도에 따르면 최근 해외에서 Loki라는 한 "뱀파이어 고양이"가 인터넷에서 인기를 모으고 있다. Loki의 주인이 고양이의 사진을 인터넷에 올리고 나자 그 계정은 현재 15000명의 팔로워에 달했으며 수많은 "좋아요"를 받았다. (번역/왕범)

edited by kcontents 

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