고래가 이에 낀 이물질 빼달래 Moving moment desperate whale approached boat full of fishermen for help after getting plastic bag caught in its mouth(VIDEO)
Moving moment desperate whale approached boat full of fishermen for help after getting plastic bag caught in its mouth
Michael Riggio, 17, (left) took selfies with the whale while his friend Ivan Iskenderian helped the creature
A whale surprised a group of fishermen north of Sydney
The whale appeared to be asking for help as it swam closely to their boats
One of the men removed fishing lines and rubbish bags out of its mouth
Another fisherman took selfies at the same time
The whale apparently showed its appreciation by flapping its fin
호주 시드니 북부에서 한 고래가 물 위에 떠올라 한동안 떠나지를 않았다.
낚시꾼들은 처음에는 영문을 몰랐지만 잠시 후 왜 고래가 그랬는지
그 이유를 알게 됐다.
바로 이에 낀 낚시줄과 비닐봉지 때문이었다.
낚시꾼들이 이를 빼주자 고마운 듯이 그 자리를 바로 떠났다.
고래가 사람과 친화적이고 똑똑하다는게 입증되는 믿겨지지 않는 순간이었다.
by Ki Chul Hwang
Conpaper Editor Distributor
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
By Martha Azzi For Daily Mail Australia
A group of young fishermen have captured an incredible selfie with a whale after it swam up and seemed to ask them for help removing plastic bags caught in its mouth.
The friendly whale nudged their boat as it made a surprise appearance in Middle Harbour, north of Sydney.
The men soon noticed the whale, which circled the boat and swam underneath it, was asking for help and pulled out rubbish bags and fishing lines stuck in its mouth.
Michael Riggio,17, took selfie snaps while his friend, Ivan Iskenderian, stretched over the boat to help the whale.
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