돈이 없는 나는 성공적인 삶을 살고 있는가? 18 Ways to Live a Successful Life (That Have Nothing to Do With Money)

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자신을 알고 인생의 가치가 무엇인지 찾아라. 

100% 자신의 모습을 보일 수 있는 친구를 가져라. 함께 꿈을 공유하고 우스꽝스러운 표정을 짓고 같이 맘껏 웃을 수 있는 친구가 단 한 명이라도 옆에 있다는 것은 행운이다. 

자주 보지 못하더라도 기쁜 소식은 전해주고, 힘들 때 전화로라도 응원해 줄 수 있는 친구를 사귀어라. 이런 종류의 우정이야말로 시공간을 초월할 변치 않을 우정이다. 

인생은 소중하고 그 누구도 확실한 미래는 없다는 것을 인정하라. 감사해야 할 사람 또 감사한 일을 생각하며 마음을 표현해 보라.

세상에는 정말 이해할 수 없는 고통과 고난도 있음을 받아들여라. 그럼에도 불구하고 삶의 의미와 인생의 좋은 점을 발견하며 다시 살아간다. 

타인에 대해서 연민을 갖고 진심으로 공감하라. 단, 대가는 기대하지 말아야 한다. 타인에게 느끼는 동지애만으로도 보상은 충분하다.

본인의 약점을 인정하고 자신을 사랑하라. 약점을 개선하려고 꾸준히 노력해라. 단, 완벽함을 지나치게 추구하면 스스로 지치게 된다. 

사랑에 몰두하라. 두려움 때문에 이 세상에서 가장 위대한 사랑을 포기해선 안된다. 가족, 친구, 연인, 자녀, 주변 사람들, 그리고 자신을 사랑하라. 인생의 중요한 가치가 여기에 있다. 

저절로 열정이 생기고 동시에 마음이 평안해지는 일은 찾아라. 

추억을 많이 만들어라. 당신을 웃게 만드는 추억, 때론 민망한 기억의 추억, 그리고 당신을 울게 만드는 추억을 많이 만들어 보라. 

스스로 인생의 로드맵을 그려라. 다른 누구도 아닌, 자신의 의지대로 살아라.

경청하라. 누구나 말하고자 하는 게 있고 그 가운데 들을 내용이 있다. 

안 좋은 습관은 극복하라. 당신의 인생은 오직 한 번뿐이다. 머뭇거릴 이유가 있는가?

당신이 겪은 모든 경험에서 교훈을 얻어라. 새로운 교훈으로부터 미래를 다시 설정하라. 그리고 그 교훈을 친구, 동료, 타인과 기꺼이 공유하라. 마지막으로! 새로운 것을 배우는데 적절한 시기는 따로 있는 게 아니다. 

과감하게 새로운 경험에 도전하라.

인종, 문화, 경제적 계층, 나이, 성, 성적 취향, 종교랑 상관없이 모든 이에게 평등하게 대하라.

만약 건강하고 잘 곳이 있고 깨끗한 물과 음식을 먹을 수 있다면, 당신이 이 세상 누구보다 운 좋은 사람임을 명심하라. 중요한 사실이다.

웃는 법을 잊지 마라. 나이가 들어도 아이처럼 호기심과 경외심을 가지고 세상을 바라보라. 성숙함과 명랑함은 충분히 공존할 수 있다.

허핑턴포스트코리아  알렉사코디즈

18 Ways to Live a Successful Life (That Have Nothing to Do With Money)


Alexa Cortese 

Writer, coffee-addict and lover of being outdoors

People are always talking about success. It's a word we hear often and an idea that seems to be constantly dangling in front of our faces -- just out of reach. 

But what does it mean? How, exactly, does one measure "success?"

We read articles that promise to enlighten us on "How to Be Successful." They always tell us to work hard, ask for that raise, be innovative, not to waste time being unproductive, not to surround ourselves with those loser friends who have no interest in climbing the proverbial ladder. Someday, these articles promise, enough hard work and the right amount of luck will make us successful. (In other words, very rich and very powerful).

Attend any high school reunion and the quiet whispers amongst the crowd will be about (other than who got fat, who got divorced, who died) who turned out to be really successful. (In other words, who has the most impressive paycheck and/or job title.)

It seems that great achievement always correlates to money, power, possessions, and impressing other people.

Is that it? Is that all we can define success as? 

When our skin wrinkles around our eyes and our bones grow weary, will money and power alone warm our souls and allow us to think, "I've lived a good life?" 

There are plenty of people who have millions of dollars in their bank accounts, and yet, not a single true friend. Are they a success? Of course, in an ideal world we would all have both -- tons of money and tons of friends -- but why is it that our broadly accepted idea of accomplishment revolves around materialism?

A conversation with a friend of mine who spent a year living in an impoverished village abroad got me thinking about cultural ideals. Her views had certainly changed through her experience, and our discussion set my mind going about what, exactly, defines a successful life if money is off the table.

Of course, who doesn't hope to be financially secure? Most of us probably do, but to make money, power, and possessions your sole goal in life is to ignore the deeper purpose of the human experience.

Here are 18 components of living a successful life. 

1) Know who you are, what your values are, and what you stand for.

2) Have a small group of people -- or even just one -- around whom you can be 100-percent yourself. These are the people who know the most genuine of your smiles and your long list of dreams, but have also seen you eat an entire sleeve of Oreos (in one sitting) and wipe your snot on the sleeve of your sweatshirt as you cry. (They may or may not have also seen your interpretive dance to "The Thong Song," but no one would ever know because they've sworn to take it to their graves.) If you have even one of these people in your life, you are fortunate.

3) Have a circle of people who, though you don't see them as often as you'd like, are still the first ones celebrating your victories and listening on the other end of the phone line when your world is crashing down. These are the kind of friendships that time and distance and different life paths don't change -- and they require nourishing. 

4) Understand that life is precious and tomorrow isn't guaranteed. Continuously remind yourself who and what you're grateful for, and show them your appreciation often.

5) Recognize that there is pain and suffering in this world beyond your comprehension. Still choose to see the good in life.

6) Be generous with your soul. Be compassionate and empathetic towards your fellow human beings. Give. Don't expect anything in return for your generosity -- the camaraderie you will feel for a fellow human being is reward enough. 

7) Always strive for personal growth, but accept your smaller imperfections and love yourself regardless. If you demand perfection, you will only be exhausted.

8) Love. Love deeply. Love fully. Don't ever let fear prevent you from experiencing the greatest feeling in this life. Love your family, love your friends, love your partners, love children, love strangers, love yourself. Immerse yourself in love -- it's worth it.

9) Find something you are passionate about and something that always brings peace to your soul. These two things might be the same thing. Do them often.

10) Have a collection of memories. Some that make you laugh, some that make you smirk, some that make you cringe, and some that make you cry.

11) Have the courage to draw your own road map for life. Live only according to your own expectations, and nobody else's.

12) Know when to close your mouth and listen. Everybody has something to share.

13) Overcome toxic habits and say goodbye to toxic people. You only get one shot at this life -- so why let anything hold you back?

14) Learn from every single experience you have. Allow these lessons to guide you in the future. Share your wisdom with friends, peers, strangers and younger generations. (And don't ever think you're too old to learn something new!)

15) Constantly seek out new experiences with no fear. 

16) Regard every one of your fellow human beings as equals, regardless of race, culture, socioeconomic class, age, gender, sexual orientation, religion, etc.

17) Remember that if you have health, shelter, clean water and food you are luckier than most. Keep your perspective.

18) Never take yourself so seriously that you've forgotten how to laugh or be silly. Never get too old to see the world through the eyes of a child -- with wonder and awe. Maturity and playfulness can coexist.




edited by kcontents 

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