KT, 해외 최대 '우즈벡 지능형원격검침(AEM) 구축사업' 수주 KT wins the $100 million Smart Energy Project in Uzbekistan

1억1천만불 규모(1천200억원)

KT outbid the national Advanced Energy Meter (AEM) project, worth $110 million in Uzbekistan Lim 

Tae-sung, Senior Vice President of Global Business Unit at KT Corp., is shaking hands with her 

Uzbekistan counterpart. KT 임태성 글로벌사업추진실장(왼쪽)과 이스칸데르 바시도프 우즈베키스탄 

전력청장이 체결 후 기념 촬영을 하고 있다. 2015.5.11 <KT 제공>

우즈베키스탄 전력청 지능형원격검침(AEM) 

source http://www.uzdaily.com/articles-id-19840.htm

edited by kcontents 

케이콘텐츠 편집

  KT는 우즈베키스탄 전력청의 지능형원격검침(AEM) 구축 사업을 따냈다고 11일 밝혔다.

약 1억1천만 달러(1천200억원)로 국내 업체가 수주한 해외 원격검침 인프라 구축 사업 중 최대 규모다.

이번 사업은 우즈베키스탄의 사마르칸트, 지작, 부하라 등 3개 지역, 100만여 가구를 상대로 원격검침을 할 수 있는 스마트미터기를 설치하고, 계량데이터관리시스템(MDMS), 고객관리시스템(CRM), 과금 시스템 등을 구축하는 사업이다. 
(서울=연합뉴스) photo@yna.co.kr

KT wins the $100 million Smart Energy Project in Uzbekistan


   KT won the national Smart Energy Project contract in Uzbekistan. KT announced on May 11 that it signed a deal to build the $110 million (120 billion won) national Advanced Energy Meter (AEM) in Uzbekistan. The project is to install a remotely-read smart meter, Meter data management (MDM), Customer relationship management (CRM), and charging system with the support from Asia Development Bank. 

KT will provide the system to over 100,000 households in three areas in Uzbekistan including Samarkand and Bukhara. KT took the opportunity to expand its project to the entire the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) areas to strengthen its market position in the global smart energy market. 

Senior Vice President Lim Tae-sung said the project is significant in that KT’s next generation growth engine ‘smart energy’ business is getting recognized abroad. KT will work hard to create synergy between communications and other industry in five major convergence service areas in the future, he said. 

Jeansun Kim  |  jeansun.kim@whowired.com

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