족제비가 날고 있는 딱다구리 등에 올라탄 보기 드문 사진 Photo of Weasel Riding on a Woodpecker Spawns Hilarious Photoshop Meme

족제비가 날고 있는 딱다구리 등에 올라탄 보기 드문 사진.

이미 인터넷에 통해 이 마틴 르메이의 놀랄만한 사진을 본 적이 있을 것이다.

마틴 르메이 부부가 런던 한 공원을 걷다가 우연히 찍은 이 사진에 족제비는 딱다구리를

잡아먹으려고 했지만 너무 커서 그만 포기하고 말았다.


콘페이퍼 에디터

Posted by Sara Barne

Chances are, you might’ve already seen this incredible photograph by Martin LeMay. It’s the unforgettable sight of a weasel clinging to the back of a woodpecker in midair. LeMay and his wife encountered the two creatures while walking in a park in London. Although the weasel was trying to attack the bird, the couple’s presence distracted them and the woodpecker was able to escape.

The amazing image quickly went viral and sparked the creativity of the Internet. Not long after the photo was posted, it spawned a hilarious meme called #WeaselPecker. Twitter users started Photoshopping a miniaturized Miley Cyrus (on her wrecking ball), Vladimir Putin, and John Travolta onto the dynamic duo, sometimes removing the weasel all together. The absurd results are both creative and really funny.

Here are some of our favorites. To see more of the meme, check out the WeaselPecker hashtag on Twitter.

Above: Original Photo by Martin LeMay

Via: @ThePoke

Via: @PollyClonal

Via: @AngryBritain

Via: @HuffPostUKPics

Via: @tahiramirza1

Via: @MSchup

Via: @TomFilkins

Via: @YoloBirder

via [Metro UK]


