구글, 마운틴 뷰 본사 전력공급 풍력발전 건설 추진 Google signs new deal to power Mountain View HQ with wind(VIDEO)
산업과학 Construction,Science/해외동향 Global Project2015. 2. 12. 11:28
Google Mountain View HQ
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구글이 본사와 에너지 소비가 많은 데이터센터에 풍력발전을 활용하는 방안을 추진 중이다. 캘리포니아 알몬트 패스에서 풍력 발전기지를 운영 중인 넥스트에러 에너지 리소스 (NextEra Energy Resources)사와 장기계약을 맺은 구글은 새로운 풍력시설로 전력생산을 시작할 예정으로 있으며 풍력단지에서 43MW의 전력을 생산할 것으로 보고 있다. 구글은 이미 건설된 벨기에 데이터센터와 네덜란드에 대규모 '초고효율'데이터 센터를 건설 중에 있으며 에너지 소모가 많은 전세계 데이터 센터의 그린 에너지 공급을 위하여 구글은 전부터 지속적인 노력을 경주해왔다 구글은 그간 태양광발전과 지열발전 등에 꾸준히 투자를 해왔으며 풍력 발전에 대한 투자를 본격화 하고 있다 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 |
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Google’s green energy investments come home today, in a new deal to power its Mountain View headquarters with energy from a Bay area wind farm. The long-term agreement with NextEra Energy Resources will allow the firm to reboot a wind farm in California’s Altamont Pass, outfitting it with new turbines. Google estimates that the farm will contribute 43 megawatts of electricity to the grid starting in 2016. Most of Google’s past efforts at sustainability have focused on powering energy-guzzling data centers, many of which are located around the globe, with “clean energy.” Google recently dropped $773 million to build a “hyper efficient” data center in the Netherlands, and the company already has a similar facility in Belgium. However, its deal with NextEra is the company’s first attempt to cull energy consumption within its California offices. The announcement comes on the heels of Apple’s $850 million investment in a Monterey County solar energy farm, in partnership with First Solar. Apple said it wants to expand its renewable energy efforts to its retail stores and offices in addition to its data centers. Both companies have been committed to sustainable energy practices for many years, but one can’t help but sense a little competition here. http://venturebeat.com/2015/02/11/google-signs-new-deal-to-power-mountain-view-hq-with-wind/ |
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