노르웨이, 세계 최초 선박 터널 건설 VIDEO: World's first ship tunnel gets the green light

World's first ship tunnel gets the green light 

The 1.7km tunnel will be built into mountains in Norway's Stadhavet peninsula.


After decades of planning and design, the world’s first ship tunnel has been given the go-ahead in Norway.


노르웨이, 세계 최초의 선박 터널 건설

  노르웨이는 수십 년간의 계획과 설계 끝에, 세계 최초의 선박 터널 건설을 승인했다.

1.7km의 이 터널은 위험한 스타다베트 해를 통해 선박들이 안전하게 통과할 수 있도록 스타다베트 반도의 산으로 건설될 것이다.



높이 37m, 폭 26.5m의 이 터널은 최소 28억 노르웨이 크로너 (4억 6천만 달러)의 비용이 들 것이다.


건설은 내년에 시작될 예정이고 노르웨이 해안국의 임시 프로젝트 매니저인 Terje Andreassen은 시공사선정 입찰 절차가 시작되었다고 말했다.


안드레아센은 "모든 것이 계획대로 진행된다면 2025~2026년 세계 최초의 본격적인 선박 터널이 완성될 것"이라고 말했다.


스타다베트 해는 노르웨이 해안을 따라 가장 많이 노출되고 가장 위험한 지역으로 알려져 있다.

2017년 노르웨이 교통 통신부에 계획이 초안되었으며, 현재 터널 예산에 동의하였다.


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

The 1.7km tunnel will be built into mountains in the Stadhavet peninsula to give ships a safer passage through the often treacherous Stadhavet Sea.



At 37 metres high and 26.5 metres wide, the tunnel will cost at least 2.8 billion Norwegian kroner (NZ$460 million).


The tunnel will be 1700 metres long.

Construction is due to begin next year, and temporary project manager Terje Andreassen from the Norwegian Coastal Administration, said the process to find a contractor has begun.



The tunnel will be 1700 metres long.

“If everything goes according to plan, the world's first full-scale ship tunnel will be completed in 2025/2026,” said Andreassen.


The Stadhavet Sea is said to be the most exposed and most dangerous area along the coast of Norway.

A plan was drafted to Norway’s Ministry of Transport and Communications in 2017, which has now agreed to the budget for the tunnel.



“Based on the allocation letter, we will now start the processes of acquisitioning properties in the area where the ship tunnel will be located, as well as put in place a project organisation, prepare a tender basis and initiate a tender,” Andreassen said.



Construction will involve conventional blasting using underground drilling rigs and pallet rigs.


While there have been tunnels built around the world to accommodate smaller boats and barges, this is the first to serve large ships. It is hoped it could lead to a high-speed ferry service in the area.


World's first ship tunnel


Key figures

Length: 1700 metres.

Height between ground and ceiling: 50 metres.

Width between tunnel walls: 36 metres.

Height from sea surface to ceiling: 33 metres

Sailing height: 33 metres

Cross-sectional area: 1661 m2.

Volume of solid rock to be removed: Approx. 3 million m3. Equivalent to approximately 8 million tonnes of blasted rock.

Total costs: Approx. NOK 3 billion.

Construction time: Approx. 3-4 years.





Norway Gives Green Light to World’s First Ship Tunnel




