진짜 애완견이 된 '스팟' It's a (robot) dog's world! Bizarre moment woman walks her $75,000 mechanical pet called Scrappy on a leash at Florida beach

It's a (robot) dog's world! Bizarre moment woman walks her $75,000 mechanical pet called Scrappy on a leash at Florida beach


Boston Dynamics’ robot dog, Spot, has been seen in hospitals, at crime scenes and space rocket testing facilities, but the latest sighting occurred as it strolled down a Florida beach while attached to a leash

A woman was seen walking a robotic dog on a leash along a Florida beach

The four-legged robot is designed by Boston Dynamics, which named it Spot

However, the woman changed the name of the robot to Scrappy

The robot was stopped by police and sat like a real life dog would

Spot was released to the market in June 2020 for $75,000 




PUBLISHED: 17:59 GMT, 12 March 2021 | UPDATED: 22:47 GMT, 12 March 2021

   수백 명의 구경꾼들이 흥분한 채, 그리고 일부는 두려움에 떨며 지켜보는 가운데, 그녀가 '스크래피'라고 이름 붙인 기계견을 걷고 있는 한 여성의 모습이 영상으로 떠올랐다.

산책하는 동안, 스크래피는 명령을 받으면 앉거나 멈추는 기술, 그리고 군중들과 그것의 길의 물체들 주위에서 조종하는 기술을 뽐냈다.

이 로봇은 최근 7만 5천 달러에 일반에 판매되기 시작했으며, 보통 회사들에 의해 사용되고 있지만, 이 기계 개는 곧 가정용 애완동물이 될 것으로 보인다.


황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터
Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

A video surfaced of a woman walking a mechanical canine she named ‘Scrappy’ down the street and along the pier in Fort Pierce while hundreds of onlookers watched with excitement – and some with fear.


During the stroll, Scrappy showed off its skills by sitting and stopping when commanded, along with maneuvering around crowds and objects in its path.


The robot recently went on sale to the public for $75,000 and is typically used by companies, but it seems the mechanical canine may soon become a household pet.


Scroll down for videos 


Boston Dynamics’ robot dog, Spot, has been seen in hospitals, at crime scenes and space rocket testing facilities, but the latest sighting occurred as it strolled down a Florida beach while attached to a leash.

Scrappy has its own YouTube channel, which started just last month, where its owner shares videos of their adventures.



‘I'm just a robot dog learning the world I was booted up in,’ reads the ‘About” description.

The stroll through Fort Pierce is played in two clips, with the first showing Scrappy trotting toward the beach.


The robot and his owner pass by a restaurant and the sounds of its mechanical legs can be heard clicking against the sidewalk.


A woman was seen walking her robotic dog, named Scrappy, while strolling along a beach in Florida


During the stroll, Scrappy showed off its skills by sitting and stopping when commanded, along with maneuvering around crowds and objects in its path


A group of police officers stop the pair to get a good look at the robotic dog trotting down the street.

‘Can you sit Scrappy? Sit,’ the woman says, in which the robot dog does.


The other video shows Scrappy strutting down the pier as it maneuvers around people and obstacles in its path.

Boston Dynamics created Spot in 2015, touting it as a robotic canine with human-like movements.


Through the years, the firm conducted intense testing with the machine to improve its capabilities that would prove beneficial for real-world use.


And in June 2020, it was released to the public.


Spot, which is suited for indoor or outdoor use, can map its environment, sense and avoid obstacles, climb stairs and open doors.


It can undertake hazardous tasks in a variety of inhospitable environments such as nuclear plants, offshore oil fields and construction sites.


Robot Dog Stopped by Police on way to the Beach



