[업데이트]구글 검색 콘솔 도메인 속성, Google Analytics에 연결 가능 Google Search Console Updated With New Associations Page
Google Search Console Updated With New Associations Page
Google is updating Search Console with a new and enhanced Associations page.
Matt Southern Matt Southern
Neil Patel
Google 검색 콘솔에는 기존의 모든 연결을 수행할 새로운 개선된 연결 페이지가 있다.
연결은 검색 콘솔 속성과 Analytics와 같은 다른 Google 서비스의 속성 간의 연결을 나타낸다.
업데이트된 Associations 페이지의 예는 아래에 나와 있다.
Google Ads: View the paid and organic report in Google Ads.
YouTube channel: Link your videos to your associated website.
Play Console app: Use App Indexing.
Actions Console project: Verify your brand and enable cross-platform functionality.
Chrome Web Store account: Publish apps and extensions to the Chrome Web Store on behalf of your site.
오늘부터 검색 콘솔 도메인 속성을 Google Analytics에 연결할 수 있으며, 이를 통해 실제 검색 결과를 보다 효과적으로 확인할 수 있다.
Google은 사이트 소유자가 Google Analytics의 검색 콘솔 보고서에서 더 완전한 값을 얻을 수 있도록 이 옵션을 사용할 것을 권장한다.
황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor
edited by kcontents
Google Search Console has a new and enhanced Associations page which will carry over all existing associations.
An association refers to the connection between a Search console property and a property in another Google service, such as Analytics.
An example of the updated Asssociations page can be seen below:
Google Search Console Updated With New Associations Page
The updated Associations page, which is found within the settings menu of Search Console, supports the following association types:
Google Analytics: View your Search Console data, such as organic search queries, in your Google Analytics property.
Google Ads: View the paid and organic report in Google Ads.
YouTube channel: Link your videos to your associated website.
Play Console app: Use App Indexing.
Actions Console project: Verify your brand and enable cross-platform functionality.
Chrome Web Store account: Publish apps and extensions to the Chrome Web Store on behalf of your site.
Starting today it’s possible to link Search Console domain properties to Google Analytics, which will provide better coverage of organic search results.
Google recommends using that option as it can help site owners get a more complete picture in the Search Console reports in Google Analytics.
Source: Google Search Central Blog