검색 순위와 트래픽 감소는 왜 생기나 18 More SEO Issues That Cause Search Rankings & Traffic to

18 More SEO Issues That Cause Search Rankings & Traffic to Drop


때때로 검색 순위와 트래픽 감소요인을 알 수 없는 경우가 있다.

Google 알고리즘의 변경, 기술적 오류, 서버가 대역폭을 제대로 처리하지 못했거나 트래픽을 갑자기 전송하지 않은 링크가 몇 가지 예를 들 수 있다.
edited by kcontents

Sometimes the factors responsible for your search rankings and traffic dropping can be difficult to detect.

It could have been a change in the Google algorithm, a technical error, your server not handling bandwidth properly, or links that were sending traffic before suddenly no longer sending that traffic, to name just a few examples.

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