역대 최대 빙판 길 133대 충돌사고...6명 사망 수십명 부상 VIDEO: At least 6 dead in 133-car pileup in.

미 댈러스-포트워스를 가로지르는 빙판길 충돌사고 중 가장 충격적이었던 차량 100여대가 넘는 사고가 발생해 최소 6명이 숨지고 수십명이 병원으로 옮겨졌다.
짐 데이비스 포트워스 소방 책임자는 시내에서 북쪽으로 35W 떨어진 텍사스 프레스(TEX) 고속도로에서 발생한 충돌은 오전 6시 직후 보도됐다고 말했다.
At least six people died and dozens were taken to hospitals after an accident involving more than 100 vehicles on a Fort Worth interstate Thursday — a pileup that was the most staggering of the crashes that dotted ice-slicked roads across Dallas-Fort Worth.

Fort Worth Fire Chief Jim Davis said the crash in the southbound TEXPress lanes of Interstate 35W just north of downtown — two toll lanes between two concrete barriers — was reported shortly after 6 a.m.
Officials said 133 vehicles were involved, and the crash spanned a half-mile between Northeast 28th Street and Drive.
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