구글, 중복 콘텐츠 검색 순위에 영향 안끼쳐 VIDEO: Google: Duplicate Content is Not a Negative Ranking Factor

Google: Duplicate Content is Not a Negative Ranking Factor

Duplicate content does not count negatively against a site in terms of search rankings, states Google’s John Mueller.

Matt Southern Matt Southern / January 31, 2021 / 3 min read

Google’s John Mueller clarifies a misconception about duplicate content, saying it’s not a negative search ranking factor

구글, 중복 콘텐는  부정적인 순위 요인 아냐

    구글의 존 뮬러는 복제 콘텐츠는 부정적인 검색 순위 요인이 아니라며 중복 내용에 대한 잘못된 생각을 구체화한다

하단 검색 결과 순위는 사이트에 가져오는 그 같은 콘텐츠가 반복됐기 때문은 아니다.

뮬러는 일정한 양의 사이트 중복 내용이 있는 것은 그리 특별한 일은 아니라고 말한다. 구글의 알고리즘은 그런 것들을 관리한다

그는 지난 중에 이 주제에 대해 다뤘지만 이번 주에는 구글 검색 서치  SEO(검색엔진 최적화)에 대해  다시 주제로 떠올랐다.

복제 콘텐츠는 SEO작업 중에서 정기적으로 다뤄지는 주제다

많은 전문가들은 이를 검사 확인한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents

Having the same content repeated across multiple pages is not something that would cause a site to rank lower in search results.

Mueller says it’s normal for sites to have a certain amount of duplicate content. Google’s algorithms are built to handle it.

He touched on this topic last week, but it’s brought up again during this week’s Google Search Central SEO office-hours.

Duplicate content is a topic that regularly comes up amongst SEOs, and it’s something many practitioners check for when auditing a site.

Does it impact search rankings? If yes – to what degree?

That’s what Davor Bobek, Manager at Blue Glacier, asks Mueller during this week’s office-hours.

Bobek owns a site about car parts where descriptions of parts are repeated in multiple places. He wants to know if there will be a negative impact in search results.

Search Engine Journal

edited by kcontents

See Mueller’s response below.

Google’s John Mueller on Duplicate Content

Mueller clears up the misunderstanding of duplicate content, saying it’s not something that has a negative ranking score associated with it.

If entire pieces of content on a site are duplicated then Google will rank one and not show the other. Multiple copies of the same page does not send negative ranking signals.

Duplicate pages can bloat a site and eat up crawl budget, but that’s a whole other topic which is not discussed in this video.


English Google SEO office-hours from January 29, 2021

