전 국가안전보좌관 마이클 플린 동생 미 태평양사령관 지명 Charles Flynn, brother of former national security adviser, tapped to lead US Army Pacific

Charles Flynn, brother of former national security adviser, tapped to lead US Army Pacific


Published: January 25, 2021

FORT SHAFTER, Hawaii — Lt. Gen. Charles Flynn has been nominated to lead U.S. Army Pacific, a post now held by Gen. Paul LaCamera, who took command in November 2019.

Lt. Gen. Charles Flynn speaks at the Pentagon in Washington, D.C., March 26, 2020.

트럼프의 정권 실세의 동생 임명?

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  찰스 플린 중장이 미 태평양군 사령관으로 지명되었다. 현재 사령관은 2019년 11월에 부임한 폴 라카메라 중장이다.

상원에서 확정되면 4성 장성으로 진급하게 될 플린은 워싱턴DC에 근무하고 있으며 육군 G-3/5/7 참모차장을 맡고 있다. 그의 직책은 미국 대륙에서 예비부품의 동원을 계획하고 조정한다.

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Flynn, who will be promoted to a four-star general if confirmed by the Senate, is stationed in Washington, D.C., and serves as deputy chief of staff in the Army’s G-3/5/7 section. It plans and coordinates mobilization of the Reserve component in the continental United States.

He is the younger brother of Michael Flynn, who briefly served as national security adviser in 2017. The elder Flynn pleaded guilty to a felony count of “willfully and knowingly” making false statements to the FBI during its investigation looking into ties between Russia and Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign. Trump pardoned him in November.

Lt. Gen. Charles Flynn (left), the brother of Trump's former national security adviser Michael Flynn (right) was involved in the Capitol riot response, despite the Army denying it, it has been revealed Daily Mail

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Charles Flynn has faced scrutiny in recent days over the sluggish deployment of National Guard troops to the U.S. Capital as insurrectionists broke into the building on Jan. 6.

Officials with D.C.’s city government and the Capitol Police have alleged that the Pentagon was slow in responding to a request for assistance from the National Guard in quelling the riot.

The Army has acknowledged that Charles Flynn was in the room for a key call from the local officials making that request, but the service did so only after it had "falsely denied for days” he did not attend, according to the Washington Post.

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