DC 주방위군 3월까지 주둔한다 Thousands Of National Guard Troops To Remain In D.C. Through..

Thousands Of National Guard Troops To Remain In D.C. Through March

Colleen Grablick

Thousands of National Guard troops will remain in D.C. through at least March, continuing the extraordinary militarization of the city in the days leading up to President Joe Biden’s inauguration, albeit at a lesser scale.

Members of the National Guard line Constitution Ave. N.W. near the Capitol on January 19, 2020.
Tyrone Turner / DCist/WAMU

적어도 3월까지 수천 명의 주방위군 병력이 워싱턴 D.C.에 남아 이 도시의 비상태세를 계속하게 될 것이다.

주 방위청 대변인에 따르면, 7,000명의 군인들이 3월 중순까지 5,000명으로 줄면서, 도시에서 "연방 사법기관을 계속 지원할 것"이라고 한다. 군인들에게 '보안·통신·의료대피·물류·안전'을 도와달라는 요청을 받았지만 대변인은 누가 이런 요청을 했는지 파악하지 못했다.
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According a National Guard spokesperson, 7,000 members will “continue supporting federal law enforcement agencies” in the city, drawing down to 5,000 by mid-March. The members were requested to assist with “security, communications, medical evacuation, logistics, and safety,” but the spokesperson could not identify who made the request.

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In the wake of the insurrection of the U.S. Capitol, the National Guard deployed more than 25,000 members to secure the inaugural events, with troops heavily fortifying a downtown security corridor and stretching into other residential neighborhoods.

About 15,000 soldiers — who came from all 54 guard services in the states, territories, and D.C. — are slated to start returning home as early as this weekend, Military.com reports. But the remaining military presence reflects ongoing fears of threats from extremist and white nationalist groups.

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“The threat of right wing extremism is here. We saw it on Jan. 6, and it will continue to be a persistent and real threat to the District of Columbia and to our region as well,” D.C. Homeland Security and Emergency Management Agency Director Chris Rodriguez said on Thursday, declining to identify any specific threats.


