19.8억불 규모 대만 남부 고속철도 건설공사 내년 4월 발주 Tendering for Taiwan high-speed extension to begin in April

Tendering for Taiwan high-speed extension to begin in April

Jan 13, 2021

Construction of the $NT 55.4bn ($US 1.98bn) extension will begin following the award of the contract, with the line currently scheduled to open in 2029. 

19.8억불 규모 남부 고속철도 건설공사 

   대만고속철도공사(THSRC)는 19.8억불 규모의 남부 고속철도 건설공사 입찰을 오는 2021년 4월 공고할 계획이라고 Rail Journal(2021.1.14)이 보도했다.

동 프로젝트는 북부 타이베이(Taipei)와 카오슝(Kaohsiung), 남부 핑퉁(Pingtung)을 연결하는 17.5km 길이의 고속철 건설 사업으로, 2029년 준공 시 타이베이와 핑퉁간 이동 거리는 현재의 44분에서 20분으로 단축될 예정이다. THSRC는 이 밖에도 핑퉁 고속철 터미널 인근 지역에 2.7㎢ 규모의 과학공원을 조성할 계획인 것으로 알려졌다.

한편, 프로젝트 담당 부처인 교통통신부는 지난 2019년 남부지역 경제 활성화를 위해 동 프로젝트 추진 계획을 발표했으며 4가지 노선안 중 타이베이와 핑퉁을 연결하는 Zuoying 노선으로 최종 확정하였다.


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The extension will run from the current terminus at Kaohsiung City’s Zuoying station, via Niaosong and Dashu, to Liukuaicuo station in Pingtung County. The extension will also interchange with the Taiwan Railways Administration’s (TRA) Pingtung Line. 

When completed, the line will enable direct services between Taipei and Pingtung, reducing journey times by around 20 minutes to 1h 44min. 


Map showing four proposed routes for HSR extension to Pingtung. (CNA image)

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The line is part of an effort to boost the economic potential of southern Taiwan. Under the project, THSRC will also establish a 273-hectare science park around the new Pingtung high-speed terminus, for the development of technologies related to health, agriculture and software engineering. 

Proposals for the extension were presented to Tseng-Chang in September 2019. The chosen alignment was selected from four options.

The announcement follows the finalisation of the route of a 56.4km northern extension of the high-speed line between Taipei’s Nangang station and the northeastern coastal city of Yilan in October 2020. The line will include 11.4km of tunnels, and is expected to open to passengers by 2030.  

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