전기자전거로 바꿔주는 변환 키트 'CLIP' This Portable E-Motor Turns Any Bicycle Into an Electric One

This Portable E-Motor Turns Any Bicycle Into an Electric One

By Emma Taggart on January 12, 2021


Urban commuters who favor bicycles as their mode of transport might agree that cycling from point A to point B can be a bit of a workout. E-bikes with a battery-powered “assist” are great for giving you a boost, but they’re often expensive and stolen often. That’s why a Brooklyn-based startup decided to design CLIP, a portable and detachable e-motor that turns any bike into an electric one.


전기자전거로 바꿔주는 변환 키트 'CLIP'

   자전거를 교통수단으로 선호하는 도시 통근자들은 A지점에서 B지점으로 자전거를 타는 것이 약간의 운동이 될 수 있다는 것에 동의할 수 있다. 배터리로 작동하는 e-bike는 여러분에게 활력을 주는데 매우 좋지만, 그것들은비싸고 자주 도난 당한다. 그것이 브루클린에 기반을 둔 한 신생 기업이 어떤 자전거든 전기 모터로 바꾸는 휴대용 탈착식 전자 모터인 CLIP를 설계하기로 결정한 이유이다.

전기 자전거 변환 키트는 이름이 붙여진 클립과 똑같이 생겼다. 26~28인치 프론트 타이어가 장착된 모든 도시, 도로 및 하이브리드 자전거와 호환된다. CLIP는 노트북처럼 가볍고, 배낭에 꼭 넣을 수 있으며, 필요에 따라 간단히 자전거에 부착하고 분리할 수 있다. 검정색 프레임과 브러시드 알루미늄 사이드 패널로, 어느 자전거에도 잘 어울릴 만큼 날렵하고 현대적으로 보인다. 이 시스템은 36V, 144Wh 배터리로 구동되는 450W 모터를 내장하고 있어 통근자가 10~15마일 범위(약 45회 주행) 내에서 최대 24km/15mph에 도달할 수 있습니다. CLIP는 또한 40분 만에 완전히 재충전될 수 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents

The electric bike conversion kit looks just like what it’s named after—a clip. It’s compatible with all city, road, and hybrid bikes with a 26″ to 28″ front tire. CLIP is as light as a laptop, fits in your backpack, and you can simply attach and detach from your bike as needed. With a black frame and brushed aluminum side panels, it looks sleek and modern enough to look good on any bike. It incorporates a 450W motor powered by a 36V, 144Wh battery, allowing commuters to reach a maximum of 24kmh / 15mph within a 10-15 mile range (around a 45 journey). CLIP can also be fully recharged in just 40 minutes, so you’ll always be ready to go.

“[We] realized that the solution to this problem had to be nuanced and apply to a wide demographic of urban commuters,” explains Somnath Ray, co-founder and CEO of CLIP. “The solution had to be portable and lightweight, so it could be easily detached after every use and taken along, so it can’t be stolen, modular and inexpensive so a person who doesn’t own a bike or has a complicated inter-modal commute can bring it along to use it on shared bikes; or just rent it from a vending machine.”

Check out CLIP below and find out more about it via its website, where you can also pre-order your own.

A Brooklyn-based startup designed CLIP, a portable e-motor that turns any bike into an electric one.

It's as light as a laptop and can fit into your backpack.

You can simply attach and detach from your bike as needed.

CLIP: Website | Facebook | Instagram | Twitter
h/t: [designboom]



