스마트폰 크기의 근접 정찰 '버그 드론' VIDEO: British Army is testing tiny autonomous 'bug drones' that can fly in strong winds of 50mph...

British Army is testing tiny autonomous 'bug drones' that can fly in strong winds of 50mph and spy on enemies more than a mile away

Autonomous flying 'bug drones' that can spy on enemies more than a mile away and operate in strong winds of up to 50mph are being tested by the British Army

The Bug' was developed by the British defence firms BAE Systems and UAVTEK

It is a fist-sized recon drone that weighs just 6.7 oz — the same as a smartphone

The robot's batteries allow it to operate for up to 40 minutes between charges 

The army has taken delivery of 30 Bugs — and tested them in a recent field trial


PUBLISHED: 14:03 GMT, 30 December 2020 | UPDATED: 14:03 GMT, 30 December 2020


스마트폰 크기의 근접 정찰 '버그 드론'  

   1마일(1.6km) 이상 떨어진 적들을 정찰할 수 있고 시속 50마일(80km)의 강풍 속에서 작동하는 자율 비행 '버그 드론'이 영국 육군에 의해 시험되고 있다.

영국 방위 회사인 BAE Systems와 UAVTEK에 의해 개발된 '더 버그(The Bug)'는 무게가 6.7온스(191g)에 불과한 주먹 크기의 로봇으로, 스마트폰과 거의 비슷하다.

이 무인기는 40분 배터리 수명과 적들이 발견하기 어렵게 만드는 '비주얼'을 가지고 있다. 

최근의 육군전투 실험에서, '더 버그'는 어려운 기상 조건을 견딜 수 있는 유일한 소형 무인기 시험인 것으로 증명되었다.

국방부의 미래 역량 그룹이 주최하는 이 연례 행사는 새로운 기술을 탐구하고 피드백을 제공하기 위해 운영되고 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor 

edited by kcontents

Autonomous flying 'bug drones' that can spy on enemies more than a mile away and operate in strong winds of up to 50mph are being tested by the British Army.

Developed by the British defence firms BAE Systems and UAVTEK, 'The Bug' is a fist-sized robot weighing just 6.7 ounces (191g) — roughly the same as a smart phone.


Developed by the British defence firms BAE Systems and UAVTEK, 'The Bug' is a fist-sized robot (pictured) weighing just 6.7 ounces (191g) — roughly the same as a smart phone

The drone has a 40 minute battery life and a 'stealthy low visual profile' that makes it hard for the enemy to spot. The army is said to have taken delivery of 30 units. 

In the recent Army Warfighting Experiment, the Bug proved to be the only small drone tested that was capable of withstanding difficult weather conditions.

The annual event — hosted by the Ministry of Defence’s Future Capability Group — is run to explore and give feedback on emerging technologies.

'We delivered the Bug in partnership with UAVTEK [which] designs and builds unmanned aerial vehicles from its workshop in the Cotswolds,' said BAE Systems' Principal Technologist, James Gerard.

'Our experience in developing large volumes of secure hardware means we were able to help the team turn the excellent design into a real product which our Armed Forces can use.'

'Collaboration is happening right across BAE Systems and is a great way to quickly get the best thinking from small companies into the hands of military users.'

'In even the toughest weather, the Bug can deliver vital tactical intelligence on what’s around the corner or over the next hill, working autonomously to give troops a visual update,' Mr Gerard added.

'Combined with our other information advantage products, this video feed could be shared multi-domain.'

This, he added, would enable 'commanders on land, sea and air to increase their situational awareness and inform their decisions.'

'In even the toughest weather, the Bug can deliver vital tactical intelligence on what’s around the corner or over the next hill, working autonomously to give troops a visual update,' said BAE Systems' Principal Technologist, James Gerard

With the potential of the Bug having been proven, the engineers are now looking to further develop the tiny robot's design.

This could see new sensing equipment and capabilities added.

The team is also exploring how the drone might be integrated directly into other military equipment.

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Drones: British Army is testing autonomous flying 'bug drones'


