'충전 필요 없는' 태양열 전기차 VIDEO: New solar-powered electric vehicle, Aptera, that 'never needs charging' provides 1,000 miles of range which is more than twice..
New solar-powered electric vehicle, Aptera, that 'never needs charging' provides 1,000 miles of range which is more than twice of Tesla's Model S - and the $26,000 car sold out
California-based Aptera recently opened pre-orders for its solar electric vehicle that 'never needs charging' and within less than 24 hours, according to the firm, the $26,000 car sold out
Aptera is a solar-powered electric vehicle that runs for more than 40 miles without the need to charge using its Never Charge technology built inside
The technology uses an integrate solar package to provide 'free' driving
It provides 1,000 miles of range, while Tesla's Model S is only 370
Aptera recently opened pre-orders and its $26,000 car sold out in 24 hours
PUBLISHED: 20:15 GMT, 11 December 2020 | UPDATED: 23:26 GMT, 11 December 2020
'충전 필요 없는' 태양열 전기차 캘리포니아에 본사를 둔 압테라는 최근 '충전이 필요 없는' 태양열 전기차의 사전 주문을 시작했다. 미래형 구조는 경량 소재로 설계돼 저드레이 공기역학 및 냉각을 제공한다. 압테라의 네버차지 기술은 통합형 태양광 패키지로 구성돼 있어 하루 40마일 이상 '무료' 주행을 할 수 있어 '대부분의 일일 주행에 연료를 공급할 필요가 없는 최초의 차량'이다. 이 차량에는 1000마일의 사거리를 제공하는 배터리 팩도 탑재돼 테슬라 모델S의 사거리가 370마일을 크게 웃돈다. 공동 창업자 크리스 앤서니는 '압테라의 태양광 기술로 태양의 힘에 이끌리게 된다.'고 말한다 '우리 회사의 내장형 태양열 어레이는 배터리 팩을 계속 작동시켜주고 당신이 가고 싶은 곳이라면 어디든 가기만 하면 된다.' 압테라는 12월 4일 선주문이 가능했으며, 4륜구동의 가격은 2만5900달러에서 최대 4만6900달러까지 올랐다. 이 차량은 액체로 냉각된 전기 모터로 최고 속도가 110mph(시속 176km)로 3.5초 만에 시속 60마일(96km)까지 낼 수 있도록 설계됐다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator |
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California-based Aptera recently opened pre-orders for its solar electric vehicle that 'never needs charging' and within less than 24 hours, according to the firm, the $26,000 car sold out.
The futuristic-styled structure is designed with lightweight materials, providing low-dray aerodynamics and cooling.
Aptera's Never Charge technology is comprised of an integrate solar package that provides more than 40 miles of ‘free’ driving per day ‘making it the first vehicle that won’t need to fuel up for most daily driving.’
The vehicle is also equipped with a battery pack that provides 1,000 miles of range, which greatly surpasses the Tesla Model S’s 370 miles of range.
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Co-Founder Chris Anthony said: ‘With Aptera’s Never Charge technology, you are driven by the power of the sun.
‘Our built-in solar array keeps your battery pack topped off and anywhere you want to go, you just go.’
Aptera was available for pre-orders on December 4, with pricing starting at $25,900 up to $46,900 for four-wheel drive.
The vehicle is designed liquid-cooled electric motors that allow the vehicle to go from zero to 60 miles per hour (mph) in just 3.5 seconds, with a top speed of 110 mph.
The futuristic-styled structure is designed with lightweight materials, providing low-dray aerodynamics and cooling
Aptera was available for pre-orders on December 4, with pricing starting at $25,900 up to $46,900 for four-wheel drive
And if you do need power, the vehicle can be charged by a standard 110-volt outlet.
Aptero co-founder Steve Fambro, told the Independent: ‘40 miles doesn’t sound like a lot but it’s the equivalent of parking your car and having it magically fill up with two gallons of gas overnight.’
‘So the fact that you can park it at work or wherever and go back to it with more energy in the tank than when you left it – have it charge itself without having to pay a dime to drive it every day.’
The three-wheeled vehicle seats the driver and an additional passenger
Aptera's Never Charge technology is comprised of an integrate solar package that provides more than 40 miles of ‘free’ driving per day ‘making it the first vehicle that won’t need to fuel up for most daily driving
Jay Leno was impressed by the vehicle in 2013, he hosted Apetara on his show Jay Leno’s Garage, which brought in thousands of orders of the three-wheeled car
‘That’s the kind of freedom I think a lot of people would love.’
The company had a bit of a rocky start when it was first founded in 2005.
Jay Leno was impressed by the vehicle in 2013, he hosted Apetara on his show Jay Leno’s Garage, which brought in thousands of orders for the three-wheeled car.
However, the firm ran out of money and closed its doors in 2011.
But it revamped its design, which seems sleeker than the original, and appears to be doing well after selling out pre-orders in less than 24 hours.
The firm plans to start production and deliveries sometime next year.
INTERIOR New 2021 Aptera EV - Solar Electric Vehicle / Prices & Specs / Features & Details / Driving