[속보] 이란 핵심 핵과학자 테헤란에서 피살 Iran's top nuclear scientist shot dead near Tehran
경제문화 Economy, Culture/국제토픽 Global Topics2020. 11. 28. 01:23
Iran's top nuclear scientist shot dead near Tehran
Mohsen Fakhrizadeh, identified by Israel as director of nuclear weapons programme, ambushed in street
An Iranian nuclear scientist described as the guru ofj Iran’s nuclear programme has been gunned down in a street just outside Tehran.

이란 책임자 핵과학자가 테헤란 인근에서 피살됐다.
이란의 권위있는 핵과학자인
모센 파흐리자데는 테헤란에서 동쪽으로 70km 떨어진 압사르 마을에서 공격을 당했다. 목격자들이 폭발음을 들은 후 네 명의 괴한이 총을 난사했다.
파흐리자데를 소생시키려는 노력은 실패했고, 그의 경호원도 부상을 입었다.
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Mohsen Fakhrizadeh was ambushed in the town of Absard, 70km east of Tehran. Four assailants opened fire after witnesses heard an explosion.
Efforts to resuscitate Fakhrizadeh failed, and his bodyguard was also wounded.

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