2021년 인플루언서 마켓팅 전망 VIDEO: Where is Influencer Marketing Heading in 2021?

Where is Influencer Marketing Heading in 2021?


November 16, 2020

As 2021 is just around the corner, Alexander Frolov, CEO of HypeAuditor, shares the trends he thinks will arise next year.

Alexander Frolov, CEO and co-founder at HypeAuditor shares his predictions as 2021 is just around the corner.

Influencer Marketing Hub


2021년 인플루언서 마켓팅 전망

Alexander Frolov, HypeAuditor의 CEO 겸 공동 설립자는 2021년을 코앞에 두고 그의 예측을 공유한다.


일반인이 온라인 스트리밍, SNS를 통하여 자신들의 저명성을 쌓고, 이를 이용하여 수익을 얻는 구조가 뜨게 되면서 아예 신종 직업으로도 각광받게 되어 적어도 웹 상에서만큼은 사회에 미치는 영향력이 큰 인물이 됐는데 이들을 인플루언서라고 한다.

인플루언서 전 세계적으로 15%의 마케팅 비용 증가

오프라인에서 온라인으로 리디렉션되는 광고비의 액수는 계속 증가할 것이다.

브랜드와 광고주들은 온라인상에서 그들의 메시지를 그들의 목표 청중들에게 공유할 수 있는 가장 효과적인 방법을 찾고 있다. 반면, 신체적인 참여는 어렵고 제한적이다. 광고주들이 실제로 시청자들과 연결할 수 있는 몇 안 되는 실행 가능한 방법 중 하나는 온라인 인플루언서 마케팅을 통해서이다, 따라서 내년에 크게 성장할 것으로 믿는다.

마이크로 인플루언서가 브랜드에서 점점 더 중요해질 것

마이크로 또는 나노 인플루언서는 새로운 것은 아니지만 빠른 속도로 계속 성장하고 있다. 작지만 타겟팅된 추종자 기반이 있는 이러한 인플루언서는 작지만 강력하며 관여 수준이 더 높은 경향이 있기 때문에 질량 인플루언서보다 영향력이 더 클 수 있다. 많은 마이크로 인플루언서들이 자체 콘텐츠를 제작하고 계정을 직접 관리한다는 점에서 이들의 게시물은 팔로워들에게 반향을 일으키는 개인 음색을 전달하고 브랜드도 그들과 더 쉽게 연결될 수 있다.

AI와 머신러닝(machine learning)의 도움으로 진정한 인플루언서에 집중하는 브랜드

브랜드 안전은 특히 대기업에게 매우 중요하다. (특히 독일에서는) 많은 기업들이 '가짜 불펜서'에 대한 보고와 전문성 및 측정 능력 부족으로 인해 여전히 인플루언서s와의 협력을 망설이고 있다.

짧은 형식 영상 > 영상 배치

틱톡의 성공이 짧은 동영상의 인기에 대한 지표가 충분하지 않다면 인스타그램, 페이스북, 유튜브, 위챗, 바이트가 그 포맷에 베팅하고 있다는 사실만으로도 충분하다.

인플루언서s는 소셜 비디오를 사용하여 큰 효과를 내는 방법을 찾아냈다. 틱톡에서 해시태그 도전을 시작하든 IGTV에서 메이크업 튜토리얼을 제공하든, 포맷은 크리에이터들에게 팔로워와 함께 활동할 수 있는 보다 역동적이고 개인화된 방법을 제공한다.

브랜드들, TikTok 인플루언서 마케팅의 함정에 현명하게 대처해야

틱톡은 2021년에는 주류 마케팅 플랫폼으로 간주될 것이다. 하지만 브랜드는 그 사용에 주의할 필요가 있을 것이다.

먼저 틱톡은 다른 소셜미디어 플랫폼보다 젊은 층을 향해 치우쳐져 있다. 여성 틱톡 시청자의 24.10%가 18~24세, 남성 관객의 15.38%가 25~34세 사이인 것으로 나타났다. 둘 다 플랫폼에서 각각 가장 큰 연령층이다.

보유 중인 인플루언서 마케팅 캠페인이 표준이 될 것

"일회성"의 인플루언서 마케팅 시대는 끝났다. 2021년에는 브랜드 충성도와 관심을 높이기 위해 지속적으로 인플루언서s를 계약할 것이다. 다른 캠페인을 위해 인플루언서를 켜거나 끄기보다는, 브랜드가 진정성과 추종자와 장기적으로 신뢰 관계를 구축할 수 있는 능력 때문에 인플루언서s와 협력하여 명성을 쌓을 것이다.

2021년에는 가상 인플루언서가 번창하겠지만, 그에 따른 규제도 강화될 것

인플루언서 시장은 거대하고 수익성이 높으며 가상 인플루언서는 빠르게 인기를 얻고 있다. 실제로 HypeAuditor 데이터에 따르면 가상 인플루언서의 가입률은 실제 인플루언서보다 거의 3배 높다. 기술은 우리가 진짜처럼 보이고 느껴지는 가상의 인플루언서를 만들 수 있게 하고, 그들에게 개성과 생명을 주고, 그들이 소비자와 공유하게 하고, 그것은 사람들로 하여금 그들에게 연결감을 느끼게 한다. 브랜드가 실제 인플루언서보다 더 비용 효율적이고 창의적인 차이점에 대한 문제가 결코 없을 것이기 때문에 브랜드가 이러한 제품을 사랑한다는 것은 말할 것도 없다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

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1. Influencer marketing spend will grow by 15% globally 

The amount of advertising money that is being redirected from offline to online will continue to grow. 

Brands and advertisers are searching for the most effective ways to share their message to their target audiences online while offline, physical engagement is difficult and limited. One of the few viable ways advertisers can authentically connect with audiences is through online influencer marketing, therefore we believe it will grow significantly next year. 

We estimate that the global Instagram influencer marketing market will grow by 15% in 2021 to $5.86B, up from $5.095B estimated for the end of 2020. The global Instagram influencer marketing market capitalisation in 2019 reached $5.24B. 

This year, the spend on influencer marketing won’t have increased on 2019, however when looking at the figures in context – the small decline isn’t dramatic, especially when comparing its performance to other disciplines this year, as marketing teams have fought to respond accordingly to Covid-19. 


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2. Micro-influencers will become increasingly important for brands 

Micro or nano influencers aren’t new, but they’re continuing to grow at a fast pace. With small but targeted follower bases, these influencers are small but mighty and can arguably be more influential than mass influencers, as their engagement levels tend to be higher. Given that a lot of micro-influencers create their own content and manage their accounts directly, their posts convey a personal tone that resonates with followers, and brands can more easily connect with them. 

In 2020, 46.4% of brand mentions featuring the hashtag #ad were published by Instagram accounts that have 1k-20k followers (categorised as a micro-influencer). We predict that more brands will start to collaborate with micro-influencers in 2021, and this share of paid placement featuring #ad will increase to 50%. 

With brands becoming more strategic with their use of influencers, we will see fewer generic influencers and more niche-specific influencers. 

3. Brands will focus on authentic influencers with help from AI and machine learning

Brand safety is very important, especially for big businesses. (Particularly in Germany) many companies still hesitate to cooperate with influencers because of reports about ‘fakefluencers’ and a lack of professionalism and measurability. 

According to HypeAuditor data, on average 16.85% of an influencer’s audience are bots and suspicious accounts, with 18.94% categorised as ‘mass followers’ – accounts that follow over 1500 accounts.

We can see that some brands are taking more care and consideration in the influencers they choose. The brands that receive better results from influencer marketing will be those who take the time to research which influencers are right for their brand and/or campaigns. 

In 2021 there will be a heightened focus on this, not only to protect brands from potentially fraudulent or mismatched influencer partnerships but because technology is allowing more finely detailed research into the landscape. 

AI and machine learning are already being used to glean in-depth insights about influencers, and these data sets will continue to improve over time, providing greater transparency for marketers. 

Single Grain

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4. Short form videos > image placements 

If the success of TikTok isn’t enough of an indication on the popularity of short video, the fact that Instagram, Facebook, YouTube, WeChat and Byte are betting on the format, should be.

Influencers have found a way to use social video to great effect. Whether starting hashtag challenges on TikTok or offering makeup tutorials on IGTV, the format gives creators a more dynamic and personalised way to engage with followers. 

In many ways, video is a better format for step-by-steps, Q&As, and tips—and this type of content is particularly popular with beauty influencers, career coaches, wellness experts, and other popular influencer categories. Brands will continue to switch on to this trend in 2021, by focusing more time and effort on the creation of short-form video content in lieu of images on social media channels – boosting engagement levels. 

5. Brands will wise up to the pitfalls of TikTok influencer marketing 

Stating the obvious, TikTok will be considered a mainstream marketing platform in 2021. However, brands will need to be careful of its uses. 

Firstly, TikTok is skewed towards a younger audience than other social media platforms, which can mean a non-paying audience. 24.10% of the female TikTok audience is aged 18-24 and 15.38% of the male audience is between 25-34. Both are the largest age segments respectively on the platform.

Secondly, TikTok raises barriers to entry. To work with TikTok directly on sponsored branded hashtag challenges, the prices start from $150,000 a day. 

Thirdly, for many marketers, it is not clear how to evaluate and choose ‘TikTokers’ for campaigns simply because the platform is relatively fresh and there aren’t many precedents set for baseline comparisons. Finally, the content on the platform can be very provocative, therefore not every brand will go for this in terms of brand safety. 

6. Retained influencer marketing campaigns will become the norm 

The days of influencer marketing as a “one-off” strategy are over. In 2021, influencers will increasingly be contracted on an ongoing basis to boost brand loyalty and attention. Rather than switching on/off influencers for different campaigns, brands will work with influencers to build their reputation because of their authenticity and ability to build trusting relationships with their follower’s long term. 


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This will help lead to performance-based influencer marketing as the near future for brands. Influencer marketing budgets will see a significant increase, but to match the heightened investment will come equally heightened scrutiny on individual performance and ROI. Once again, this is where the in-depth measurement that technology is now allowing will come to the fore, enabling granular data that has been missing from influencer marketing up until now. 

7. Virtual influencers will flourish in 2021, but so will regulations around them

The influencer market is huge and lucrative, and virtual influencers are quickly gaining traction. In fact, HypeAuditor data shows that the engagement rate of virtual influencers has almost three times more the engagement rate than real influencers. Technology is allowing us to create virtual influencers that look and feel so real, giving them personalities and lives that they in turn share with consumers, which makes people feel a connection to them. Not to mention that brands love them because they are more cost effective than real influencers and there will never be issues around creative differences. 

In 2021, we predict that virtual influencers will continue to dominate the market–with more and more brands utilizing them to promote their products. However, many have questioned if virtual influencers directly comply with FTC regulations and if consumers should take issue with the fact that they don’t actually try the products they promote. Because of this, we predict that their rise of popularity will also call for them to be regulated, so that they don’t deceive the public and mislead their followers.


How Influencers Have Transformed Modern Marketing | Rachel David | TEDxVancouver 


