카나리아군도 절벽 붕괴로 캠핑장 덮쳐 VIDEO: 'RUN!': Major emergency declared after Canary Islands cliff collapses alongside holidaying campers
'RUN!': Major emergency declared after Canary Islands cliff collapses alongside holidaying campers
A major emergency was declared in the Canary Islands on Saturday after a large chunk of a beachside cliff crumbled and plunged onto a popular camp site.
Families holidaying at the popular Valle Gran Rey resort in La Gomera first started to notice rocks falling from the cliff’s edge onto the Argaga Beach campsite late on Saturday afternoon.
A major emergency was declared in the Canary Islands on Saturday after a large chunk of a beachside cliff crumbled and plunged onto a popular camp site. Credit: Twitter/@avtorresp
카나리아군도 절벽 붕괴로 캠핑장 덮쳐 카나리아 제도에서는 토요일 해변가 절벽이 붕괴로 인기야영지가 메몰되어 비상사태가 선포되었다. 라 고메라에 있는 유명한 발레 그란 레이 리조트에서 휴가를 보내고 있는 가족들은 토요일 오후 늦게 절벽 가장자리에서 아르가 해변 야영지로 바위가 떨어지는 것을 처음 목격하기 시작했다. 구경꾼들은 절벽의 상당 부분이 결국 무너지자 숨을 헐떡이며 굉음을 내며 아래 캐러밴에서 불과 몇 미터 떨어진 바닥으로 바위를 떨어뜨렸다. 야영객들이 잔해 더미 밑에 깔릴 수 있다는 우려 속에 긴급 구조대가 현장에 출동했다. 절벽 붕괴 당시 보행자들이 이 지역에 있었다는 보도도 나와 다수의 차량이 매몰된 것으로 알려졌다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator |
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Onlookers gasped as a large portion of the cliff’s face eventually gave way, roaring and sending rocks plummeting onto the ground just metres from caravans below.
Emergency services rushed to the scene to amid fears that campers could have been caught under the rubble.
There were also reports that walkers had been in the area at the time of the cliff collapse that reportedly buried a number of vehicles.
via youtube
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The Canarian Weekly reported that two helicopters, the Guardia Civil, Local Police, the Valle Gran Rey firefighters, Civil Protection, and AEA (rescue service) personnel were all sent to Argaga beach to deal with the unfolding emergency.
President of the Canary Islands, Ángel Víctor Torres, and the president of the La Gomera Cabildo, Casimiro Curbelo, have reportedly been told by emergency services that there were no victims despite a number of people still not being accounted for.
Cliff collapses next to screaming onlookers in Canary Islands