말레이시아, 클라탄주 주요 인프라사업 추진 동향 ㅣ 동부 해안 고속도로 3단계(LPT3) 건설 계획 - Kelantan wants five main development projects to continue under Budget 2021 ㅣ Kelantan submits two proposals for LPT3 project

Kelantan wants five main development projects to continue under Budget 2021

November 02, 2020 17:01 pm +08

KOTA BARU (Nov 2): Kelantan Deputy Menteri Besar Datuk Mohd Amar Nik Abdullah hoped that the allocation for five major projects for the state’s development will be included in Budget 2021 to be tabled in Parliament this Friday (Oct 6).

New Straits Times


말련, 클라탄주 주요 인프라사업 추진 동향

    내년도 정부 예산안에 북동부 클라탄(Kelatan)주 내 5개 주요 인프라 사업이 포함될 계획이라고 Malay Mail(2020.11.2)이 보도했다. 해당 프로젝트는 다음과 같다.

동부해안 고속도로 3단계 사업( Phase 3 East Coast Expressway (LPT3))

Sultan Ismail Petra 공항 개선사업

Pasir Puteh~Machang-Jeli 연결 도로사업

Kota Bharu-Kuala Krai 연결 고속도로 사업

Palekbang-Kota Bharu 연결 교량사업

클라탄주의 Datuk Mohd Amar 부주지사는 동 프로젝트는 산업부 및 경제부에서 작년부터 지속적으로 추진해왔던 사업이며 내년 본격적으로 추진될 것으로 예상된다고 밝혔다.

한편, 정부는 지난 3월 클라탄주의 주요 인프라 개발 사업에 3.4억불 규모의 예산을 배정한 바 있다.

아시아실 최미동 (Tel. 02-3406-1020), icak.or.kr

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He said the projects are the Phase 3 East Coast Expressway (LPT3), expansion and upgrading of the Sultan Ismail Petra Airport, Pasir Puteh-Machang-Jeli road, Kota Bharu-Kuala Krai Expressway and the Palekbang-Kota Bharu bridge.

New Straits Times

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"Considering that the five projects have been announced by Senior Minister [and International Trade and Industry Minister] Datuk Seri Mohamed Azmin Ali last year, it is the state government’s hope that the projects will not be shelved,” he added.

He told reporters after visiting an exhibition on Three Decades of the State’s Development with Islam at the State Museum here today.

In March last year, Mohamed Azmin, when he was the economic affairs minister under the Pakatan Harapan (PH) government, announced an additional RM200 million allocation for development in Kelantan, bringing the total allocation for the state to RM1.4 billion.

Mohd Amar also hoped that Budget 2021 would also focus on the fight against Covid-19 and efforts to restore the country’s economy.


Kelantan submits two proposals for LPT3 project

KOTA BARU (Nov 9): The Kelantan State Legislative Assembly sitting today was told that the state government has submitted two proposals to the federal government for the construction of the East Coast Expressway Phase 3 (LPT3).



말레이시아 켈란탄 주, 동부 해안 고속도로 3단계(LPT3) 건설 계획

  말레이시아 켈란탄 주 의회에서는 주 정부가 동부 해안 고속도로 3단계(LPT3) 건설에 대한 두 가지 제안을 연방정부에 제출했다고 한다.

다투크 아자미 모하미 주 공공사업위원회 위원장은 현재의 LPT3 계획이 테렝가누 주 게무루에서 툴팟 주 펑칼란 쿠보르까지 확장되어 켈란탄의 약 70km의 도로를 형성할 것이라고 말했다.

그는 첫 제안은 전체 구간을 100km까지 연장하는 것으로 예상되며, 그 중 15km에 이르는 FT482 도로를 Pasir Puteh로 업그레이드하는 데 4억 5천만 RM이 소요될 것으로 추정된다고 말했다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

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State Public Works, Infrastructure, Transport and Utilities Committee chairman Datuk Azami Mohd Nor said that the current LPT3 plan stretches from Gemuruh, Terengganu to Pengkalan Kubor, Tumpat, covering some 70km of road in Kelantan.

He said that the first proposal is to extend the alignment to the Tok Bali Industrial Park which will bring the total span to 100km, with an estimated cost of RM3 billion, of which an estimated RM450 million will be for upgrading the FT482 road from Tok Bali to Pasir Puteh which spans 15km.

He was replying to a question from Datuk Abdul Aziz Derashid (Barisan Nasional-Kuala Balah).

“The second proposal is to provide an option to implement the project through a private financial investment (PFI) for the whole alignment, with a total length of 155km and an estimated cost of RM4.34 billion.

SkyscraperCity SpringerLink

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“The preliminary works from Gemuruh to Pengkalan Kubor are expected to be completed in April 2022, with the approved allocation of RM30 million under the 11th Malaysia Plan (11MP),” he said.

Meanwhile, on the current status of the Kota Bharu-Kuala Krai Expressway, Azami said that the state government would apply for two projects under the 12MP, namely Package 1A from Wakaf Che Yeh to Pasir Hor, and the Rakyat Expressway from Bukit Tiu to Kampung Berangan Mek Nab.

On the Central Spine Road project, he said that six projects were currently at the planning stage and would be proposed under the 12MP, including Package 1 from Kuala Krai to Sungai Rakit Bridge, and Package 3A, the Gua Musang East-West Link.



