"천 마스크, 자신 뿐 아니라 타인 보호에도 효과" 미 질병관리본부(CDC) Wearing a cloth face mask protects you and others from getting COVID-19, CDC says

Wearing a cloth face mask protects you and others from getting COVID-19, CDC says

By Rachael Rettner - Senior Writer 6 hours ago

The agency updated its guidelines to say that cloth masks provide "filtration for personal protection."

Cloth face masks offer two-way protection, benefitting both the wearer and those around them, according to updated guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).


"천 마스크, 자신 뿐 아니라 타인 보호에도 효과" 미 질병관리본부(CDC) 

   미 질병관리본부(CDC)는 천 마스크가 "신변 보호를 위한 안전"을 제공한다는 지침서를 최근 개정했다."

질병관리본부(CDC)의 최신 지침에 따르면 천 안면 마스크는 착용자와 착용자 주변 사람 모두에게 이익이 되는 양방향 보호 기능을 제공한다.

이전에 CDC는 착용자가 기침, 재채기, 말을 할 때 감염성 바이러스 입자의 방출을 차단하여 COVID-19를 가진 사람으로부터 다른 사람을 보호하는데 있어 천 얼굴 마스크의 역할을 강조했었다

하지만 천 마스크가 공기 중에서 잠재적으로 감염될 수 있는 물방울을 걸러내고 착용자를 보호할 수 있다는 것을 의미하는 "개인 보호를 위한 필터링 기능"도 제공한다는 지침으로 갱신했다.

CDC는 필터링 입자에서의 천 마스크의 효과는 연구에 따라 크게 다르지만, 여러 겹의 천과 나사산 개수가 더 많은 마스크는 단일 층과 낮은 나사산 개수를 가진 마스크에 비해 우수한 보호를 보여 왔다고 지적했다. CDC는 "일부 경우 천 안면 마스크가 공기 중 미세한 입자(1미크론 미만)의 50% 가까이를 필터링하는 것으로 나타났다"고 밝혔다. (에어로졸로도 알려진 미세한 물방울은 10미크론 이하이며 사람들이 말할 때 방출되어 잠재적으로 감염입자를 운반할 수 있다.)

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

Previously, the CDC had emphasized the role of cloth face masks in blocking the release of infectious virus particles when the wearer coughs, sneezes or talks, thus protecting others from someone who has COVID-19.


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But this week, the agency updated its guidelines to say that cloth masks also provide "filtration for personal protection," meaning the masks can filter out potentially infectious droplets from the air, and thus protect the wearer. 

The CDC notes that the effectiveness of cloth masks at filtering particles has varied widely across studies, but masks with multiple layers of cloth and higher thread counts have shown superior protection compared with those that have a single layer and low thread count. In some cases, cloth face masks have been shown to filter nearly 50% of very small particles (less than 1 micron) from the air, the agency said. (Fine droplets, also known as aerosols, are no bigger than 10 microns and are released when people talk, potentially carrying infectious particles.) 

In the new guidance, the CDC cited numerous studies suggesting the two-way benefit of masks. For example, in a study of a COVID-19 outbreak on the USS Theodore Roosevelt aircraft carrier, use of face masks on board was tied with a 70% reduction in infection risk.

In addition, several studies have found that state and local mandates for wearing masks in public are tied with significant reductions in new cases.

Which type of face mask is most effective against COVID-19?


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The CDC concludes that the overall benefit of masking increases as more people in the community wear masks. 

"Adopting universal masking policies can help avert future lockdowns, especially if combined with other non-pharmaceutical interventions such as social distancing, hand hygiene and adequate ventilation," the agency said.

Originally published on Live Science.  



