뉴질랜드 볼드윈 거리 '세계에서 가장 가파른 거리' 기네스 복귀 VIDEO: 'Baldwin Street in New Zealand reinstated as the world’s steepest streetBy Guinness World Records

Baldwin Street in New Zealand reinstated as the world’s steepest streetBy Guinness World Records

Published 08 April 2020

Baldwin Street, in Dunedin, New Zealand, has been reinstated as the world’s steepest street (road) after a formal record review.

Baldwin street previously held the record for over a decade until June 2019, when the record was awarded to Ffordd Pen Llech, in Harlech, Wales.


뉴질랜드 볼드윈 거리 '세계에서 가장 가파른 거리' 기네스 복귀

    세계에서 가장 가파른 거리로 알려졌던 35도의 뉴질랜드 더니든 시내 볼드윈 거리보다 더 경사도가 높은 장소가 발견돼 기네스 세계 기록을 갈아치웠던 37.45도의 영국 웨일스 귀네드 카운티 할렉의 포르드 펜 레흐 거리.

하지만 이번에 다시 뉴질랜드 더니든 시내 볼드윈 거리가 기네스북에 세계에서 가장 가파른 거리로 복원됐다. 

볼드윈 스트리트는 앞서 2019년 6월 웨일스 할레흐에서 Ffordd Pen Llech에게 이 기록이 수여될 때까지 10년 넘게 이 기록을 보유하고 있었다.

이전 기록 보유 거리의 복귀 결정은 볼드윈 거리의 주민들이 제기한 항소심의 광범위한 검토가 끝난 후에 이루어졌다.

조사 결과, 거리가 직선적이든 곡선적이든 다른 형태를 공정하게 평가하기 위해서는 경사가 중심축(도로의 중심선)으로 측정되어야 한다는 것이 밝혀졌다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

The decision to reinstate the previous record holder was reached following the completion of an extensive review of an appeal, brought by representatives of Baldwin Street.

The appeal, led by Toby Stoff, included a comparative survey of the three-dimensional shapes of the Dunedin street and Ffordd Pen Llech.

The findings revealed that in order to fairly assess the different shape of the streets, whether they’re straight or curved, steepness must be measured by the central axis (the centre line of the road).

Following a thorough review, as well as consulting with industry specialists, it was concluded that for the steepest street (road) record title, the best practice for the gradient is to take the measurement from the centreline of the street.

Accordingly, GWR’s record guidelines will no longer allow measurements from any other axis.

The new results confirmed Baldwin Street has the steeper gradient of 34.8%, compared to Ffordd Pen Llech’s gradient of 28.6%.

In addition to amending the record’s guidelines to include measuring the gradient from the centreline of the street, the guidelines for this record now accept measurement provided by a local, national or international measurement professional.

It has also been clarified within the guidelines that for the purposes of the record, a thoroughfare includes when a street connects to other roads, as these are also considered a destination.

Baldwin St vs Ffordd Pen Llech RNZ

edited by kcontents

Craig Glenday, Editor-in-Chief at Guinness World Records, said of the decision:




Dunedin street loses world’s steepest title


