건축 디자이너의 파격적 하우스 칼러 선택 This All-Pink Apartment in Madrid Is a Bubblegum Dream Vacation Spot

This All-Pink Apartment in Madrid Is a Bubblegum Dream Vacation Spot

By Samantha Pires on October 26, 2020


The idea of monochromatic spaces may bring to mind stark black and white rooms, but Patricia Bustos Studios redefines single-color spaces in this all-pink rental apartment. The designers used a bold color scheme to stand out amongst the tough vacation rental competition in Madrid. They use 12 shades of pink to style the small unit, creating a unique identity that the studio says they achieved through “aesthetic madness.”


건축 디자이너의 돌발 하우스 칼러 선택

   단색의 공간이라는 생각이 엄연한 흑백의 방을 떠올리게 할 수도 있지만, 패트리샤 부스토스 스튜디오는 이 올핑크 렌트 아파트에서 단색의 공간을 재정의하고 있다. 그 디자이너들은 마드리드의 힘든 Vacation 렌탈 대회에서 두각을 나타내기 위해 과감한 색채 배색을 사용했다. 이들은 작은 유닛을 스타일링하기 위해 12가지 색조의 분홍색을 사용, 스튜디오가 '미적 광기'를 통해 달성했다고 말하는 독특한 아이덴티티를 만들어낸다.

패트리샤 부스토스 스튜디오도 빽빽한 아파트를 재프로그래밍하고 침실과 욕실을 추가해 휴가지로 기능할 수 있도록 공간을 설계했다. 분명히 매우 대담하지만, 공간 자체는 지나치게 화려하지 않고, 대신에 질감과 조명의 미묘한 팔레트를 사용하여 보다 최소의 접근을 한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

Patricia Bustos Studios also designed the space to function better as a vacation property by reprogramming the tight apartment and adding an additional bedroom and bathroom. Though clearly very bold, the space itself is not overly ornate, but instead uses a subtle palette of textures and lighting for a more minimal approach.

The sanctity of aesthetics is clear from the stunning photos which demonstrate clear consideration of composition. Designing monochromatic spaces is often a difficult feat to execute well, as spaces can easily become disorienting and unpleasant. The designers relieve pink overload through splashes of green, the aforementioned variation of textures, and a colorful kitchen that expands the color palette.

The stunning dining room makes use of iridescent seat textures that add a layer of depth to the space. Like most of the furniture included in the apartment, the seats are designed with simple forms that follow modernist styles. The arched doorways and colorful laminates assist to create an otherworldly aesthetic. These clever tricks allow the pink to do all the work, while the physical forms create clean lines and a soothing simplicity.

Blues and golds are introduced in the kitchen cabinetry and serve as a visual relief from the rest of the apartment. The separating wall from the living space also serves to create an isolated zone that larger groups can use for additional sleeping areas.

The private areas, including the bedrooms and bathrooms, are designed in the same bold (yet minimal) style. Unique bed frames are layered with alternating materials of different pink hues. Delicate lighting fixtures warm the space as they reflect on the tiled features that surround the bed. The small bathrooms are extended through vertical wall tiles and finished with unique bathroom accessories.

From top to bottom, Patricia Bustos Studios’ nearly all-pink apartment balances aesthetic madness with artfully crafted composition to create an unforgettable vacation experience.

Patricia Bustos Studios used 12 shades of pink to style a rental unit, creating a unique visual identity achieved through what they call “aesthetic madness.”

The designers relieve pink overload through splashes of green, a variation of textures, and a colorful kitchen that expands the color palette.

Delicate lighting fixtures warm the space as they reflect on the tiled features that surround the bed.

Unique bed frames are layered with alternating materials of different pink hues.

And the small bathrooms are extended through vertical wall tiles.

Patricia Bustos Studios: Website | Facebook | Instagram
JC de Marcos Photographer: Website 

All images via Patricia Bustos Studios / JC de Marcos Photographer



