힐티, 오버헤드 반자동 드릴로봇 출시 VIDEO: Hilti Unveils Semi-Autonomous Overhead Drilling Robot, Called Jaibot

Hilti Unveils Semi-Autonomous Overhead Drilling Robot, Called Jaibot

October 28, 2020 Shane Hedmond

Hilti, known for its wide selection of power tools and fastening applications for the commercial construction industry, recently took a step outside the box when they announced the release of an exoskeleton to help relieve the bodily toll overhead work takes on workers.  Yesterday, however, Hilti took that overhead work solution to the next level, by introducing their first robot, a semi-autonomous overhead drilling solution called Jaibot.


힐티, 오버헤드 반자동 드릴로봇 출시

  건설용의 광범위한 전동공구와  앱으로 유명한 힐티는 최근 노동자들의오버헤드 작업의 수고를 덜어주기 위한 외골격의 출시를 발표했다.

어제 힐티는 첫 번째 로봇인 자이봇(Jaibot)이라는 반자동의 오버헤드 드릴를 공개하므로써 오버헤드 작업 솔루션의 수준을 한 단계 끌어올렸다.

힐티 자이봇은 완전히 무선 오버헤드 드릴링 솔루션으로, BIM 또는 CAD 레이아웃을 기반으로 오버헤드 MEP 앵커의 구멍을 자동으로 찾아 드릴 수 있다. 이 유닛은 설치, 운송 및 현장 문제 해결을 위해 운영자가 필요하지만, 오버헤드 작업과 관련된 안전 위험을 줄이면서 구멍의 정확도를 높인다.

"건설업의 생산성이 다른 업종에 비해 몇 년째 뒤처져 있다. 마진압력과 숙련된 노동력의 부족은 이미 우리 산업에서 삶의 사실이며 생산성 부족을 극복하는 것을 점점 더 어렵게 만든다. 그러나 디지털화에 의해 제공되는 기회를 활용하면 그것을 보상할 것이다. 우리는 프로세스, 팀, 데이터를 지능적으로 연계하여 이를 수행한다." 라고 힐티 그룹의 얀 돈가지 집행위원이 말했다. "제이봇과 함께, 그리고 고객과 긴밀한 협업을 통해 디지털 전환이 건설현장에 가져올 수 있는 효율을 더욱 실현하는 데 박차를 가하고 있다."

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

via youtube

edited by kcontents

The Hilti Jaibot is a completely cordless overhead drilling solution that can automatically locate and drill holes for overhead MEP anchors based upon a BIM or CAD layout.  The unit requires an operator for set up, transport, and in field troubleshooting, but increases the accuracy of the holes, while reducing safety risks associated with overhead work.

 "The productivity of the construction industry has been lagging behind other sectors for years. Margin pressure and shortages of skilled labor are already facts of life in our industry and make it increasingly difficult to overcome productivity shortfalls. But leveraging the opportunities offered by digitization will compensate for it. We do this by intelligently linking processes, teams and data,” said Jan Doongaji, Member of the Executive Board, Hilti Group. “With Jaibot, and in close collaboration with our customers, we are further stepping toward realizing the efficiency that digital transformation can and will bring to construction sites.”

The Jaibot provides 8 hours of runtime off of a full charge, which includes the operation of the onboard drill, vacuum, total station, lifting arm, and tracks. The drilling arm is also equipped with a dust shroud and the vacuum contained within the unit is OSHA Table 1 compliant for silica dust containment.

The arm of the robot can reach overhead concrete slab heights between 8 and a half feet and 16 and a half feet above and the drill is optimized for holes of 3/16 of an inch up to 5/8 of an inch. In addition to drilling, the Jaibot also marks the holes with a customized paint color based upon trade or application.

If the drill hits rebar in the field, the operator has the ability to skip that specific hole or move it to a different location.  The as-built hole locations are automatically synced to the cloud for immediate access in the office.

The machine also features additional storage for extra drill bits, tool batteries, or extra tools.

Jaibot Set Up

The Jaibot is shipped to the site in a storage crate that can be lifted by a forklift or a crane for movement around the jobsite. That same container also acts as a charging station and secure storage.

In “transport mode,” the Jaibot compacts itself to less than 3 feet wide and less than 5 and a half feet tall, allowing it to fit through most doorways and hoists.

Once the operator sets the ceiling height and location on the provided tablet, the Jaibot goes to work drilling for the concrete anchors in a 6 foot diameter based upon the CAD layout or BIM model uploaded via AutoCAD, Revit, or the Hilti Cloud.

The onboard Hilti PLT 300 total station makes sure that the holes are accurate within 1/8 of an inch.

Additional Applications

While overhead drilling is the very first focus of the Jaibot, Hilti reps made it clear that the possibilities are endless with this type of platform. BIM models make robotics work like this much more accessible to increase productivity, accuracy, and reduce safety hazards.

The Hilti Jaibot is expected to be available in 2021 and pricing has not yet been released. Check it out in action in the video below:


INTRODUCING a new construction robot Hilti JAIBOT for construction automation of overhead drilling


