40m 높이에서 맨몸으로 바다에 떨어진 사나이...그는 어떻게 됐을까 VIDEO: Ex-paratrooper attempts record jump from helicopter without parachute

Ex-paratrooper attempts record jump from helicopter without parachute

Published14 hours ago

John Bream leapt from a helicopter into the sea without a parachute

A former paratrooper has attempted a new world record for jumping from an aircraft into water without a parachute.

via bbc video

40m 높이에서 맨몸으로 바다에 떨어진 사나이...그는 어떻게 됐을까

   전직 낙하산 부대 요원이 낙하산 없이 비행기에서 물속으로 뛰어드는 세계 신기록을 시도했다.

'날아다니는 물고기'라는 별명을 가진 존 브림(34)은 햄프셔 해안의 헤일링 섬 앞바다에서 헬리콥터에서 약 130피트(40m) 높이에서 바다로 떨어졌다.

다이버들은 그가 물에 부딪혔을 때 잠시 의식을 잃었고 예방책으로 병원으로 옮겨졌다고 말했다.

그는 의사들을 위한 정신 건강 관련 자선단체를 위한 기금을 모으고 있었다.

햄프셔 하반트 출신의 전 낙하산 연대 대원은 시속 130km  속도로 약 4초 만에 바다에 떨어졌다.

점프 후 브림 씨에게 다가간 다이버들은 그가 다소 부자연스럽게 떨어졌고머리를 부딪친 후 잠시 의식을 잃었다고 말했다.

그는 나중에 구급대원들과 걷고 수다를 떨고 있는 것이 목격되었다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

John Bream, 34, nicknamed "the Flying Fish", dropped about 130ft (40m) from a helicopter off Hayling Island on the Hampshire coast.

Support divers said he was briefly unconscious when he hit the water and was taken to hospital as a precaution.

He was raising money for mental health charities for services personnel.

The former member of the Parachute Regiment from Havant, Hampshire, fell about four seconds before hitting the Solent at about 80mph (130km/h).

Divers who reached Mr Bream after the jump said he had landed awkwardly and was briefly unconscious after hitting his head.

He was later seen walking and chatting with paramedics as he was being checked over.

image captionJohn Bream was picked up by his support boat after the jump

Cash raised from Mr Bream's attempt will be donated to the All Call Signs and the Support Our Paras charities.

Speaking in July, he said knowing veterans who had taken their own lives was "so painful".

"The transition from the military is difficult but I want to show that we don't need to live in the past and we all can still achieve brilliance," he said.

A spokesperson for Guinness World Records said it was still awaiting evidence of Mr Bream's attempt and could not verify it until then.

image captionJohn Bream, from Havant, Hampshire, is nicknamed the Flying Fish

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Ex-paratrooper attempts record jump from helicopter without parachute 


