미 밀워키에 건설 중인 세계 최고층 목재 빌딩 VIDEO: World’s tallest wood building rising in Milwaukee

World’s tallest wood building rising in Milwaukee

By Rich Christianson September 24, 2020 | 12:08 pm EDT

MILWAUKEE, Wis. – Construction of Ascent, a 25-story mass timber building, is underway in downtown Milwaukee. When completed the 284-foot residential complex will be the tallest wood tower in the world, rising 4 feet higher than a mix-used structure built in Brumunddal, Norway last year.


 미 밀워키에 건설 중인 세계 최고층 목재 빌딩 

   밀워키 시내에 25층짜리 대형 목재 건물인 어센트 공사가 진행 중이다. 완공되면, 284피트(85m)의 이 주거 단지는 세계에서 가장 높은 목조 빌딩이 될 것이다. 이는 지난해 노르웨이 브루문달에 지어진 혼합 사용 구조물보다 4피트(1.2m) 높은 것이다.

1억2천5백만 달러 규모의 이 빌딩은 하이브리드 목재와 콘크리트 프레임을 뉴랜드 엔터피리스와 위크만 엔터프라이즈가 개발하고 있다. 프로젝트용 적층 목재 패널은 오스트리아에서 제작되고 있으며, 포틀랜드 오레주 포틀랜드의 Swinerton Mass Timber에 의해 조달되고 관리되고 있다. Korb + Associates Architects가 설계한 이 건물에는 259개의 고급 아파트가 들어설 예정이다. 내부는 나무 기둥과 바닥 데크로 구성된다.

뉴 랜드 엔터프라이즈의 팀 고크만 상무는 이 프로젝트가 코로나바이러스 대유행에도 불구하고 전국의 투자자들로부터 관심을 끌었다고 언급했다. "이 프로젝트에 대한 관심은 질량 목재의 미적, 건축적, 지속가능성 이익이 광범위한 사람들의 관심과 상상력을 사로잡았다는 증거다."

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

Wisconsin Public Radio

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edited by kcontents

The $125 million building will feature a hybrid timber and concrete frame is being developed by New Land Enterpirses and Wiechman Enterprises. Laminated timber panels for the project are being manufactured in Austria and procured and managed by Swinerton Mass Timber of Portland, Ore. The building, designed by Korb + Associates Architects, will have 259 luxury apartments. Its interior will display the wooden columns and floor decks.

Tim Gokhman, managing director of New Land Enterprises noted that the project attracted the attention from investors from across the country in spite of challenges posed by the coronavirus pandemic. “The interest in this project is proof that the aesthetic, construction and sustainability benefits of mass timber have captured the attention and imagination of a broad spectrum of people.”


New Land Enterprises said it opened pre-leasing a few months ago has already secured a number of reservations, including tenants for three penthouses. The project is scheduled for completion in summer 2022.

The Ascent project received a federal grant from the US Forest Service to assist with the testing needed to prove mass timber’s ability to perform as well as traditional building materials like concrete and steel to meet U.S. building codes. According to the developers, the publicly-available data shows that mass timber performs as well or even better than traditional materials in fire, earthquake and wind conditions. The developers added that the laminated timber beams, slabs and columns that will be used in the structure will offset the equivalent of CO2 produced by 2,500 cars or enough energy to power 1,200 homes per year.

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