평화엔지니어링, 필리핀 바탄-카비테(Bataan-Cavite) 해상교량 실시설계 수주 VIDEO: DPWH: Experts preparing to design 32-km Bataan-Cavite Bridge

DPWH: Experts preparing to design 32-km Bataan-Cavite Bridge

Published October 20, 2020, 6:54 PM

by Betheena Unite

Detailed engineering design for the proposed 32-kilometer Bataan-Cavite Interlink bridge project will start in November until January 2022, the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) announced Tuesday.

(photo via DPWH)


평화ENG, 필리핀 해상교량 계약…길이 32㎞ 총 사업비 3조7천억

    중견 엔지니어링 업체인 평화엔지니어링이 코로나19라는 악재에도 필리핀 바탄-카비테(Bataan-Cavite) 해상교량 실시설계(조감도) 사업 계약을 체결했다고 20일 밝혔다.

해외 수주액 기준 국내 3위인 평화엔지니어링은 재원조달기관인 아시아개발은행(ADB)으로부터 지난 6월 우선협상대상자로 선정된 이후, 계약 협상 과정을 거쳐, 발주처인 필리핀 공공도로관리청과 이날 계약을 체결했다.

평화엔지니어링은 미국 설계사 `티와이린 인터내셔널`과 조인트벤처를 구성해 계약했다. 이 사업은 필리핀 바탄주에서 마닐라만을 횡단해 카비테주까지 연결되는 총연장 32.2㎞의 초대형 해상교량을 설계하는 사업이다. 필리핀 정부가 국가 역점사업으로 추진하는 사업으로 추정사업비는 약 3조7000억원, 실시설계비만 700억원에 달한다.

전체 교량은 해상교량 25.2㎞, 육상교량 7㎞, 대형사장교 구간 1800m 및 800m 2개소로 구성된다. 건설되는 장소가 환태평양 지역에 속해 강한 지진과 태풍이 자주 발생하는 데다 교량 노선이 50m 넘는 수심에 위치해 고도의 설계기술이 필요한 사업이다. 평화엔지니어링은 그동안 축적한 설계 경험과 함께 한국도로공사와 공동으로 참여한 `케이블 교량 글로벌 연구단`의 연구 성과 등을 바탕으로 이번 설계를 수주하는 데 성공했다.

[나현준 기자] 매일경제


via youtube

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This after the department signed the contract agreement of consulting services for the detailed engineering design (DED) of the mega bridge that aims to link Mariveles, Bataan and Naic, Cavite.  

Under the contract agreement, the DED will be carried out under a P3.03 billion for 15 months.

According to Undersecretary Emil Sadain, the DED will be funded by an additional financing for the Infrastructure Preparation and Innovation Facility (IPIF) under a signed loan agreement last December 2019 between the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and Department of Finance.

Data from the department showed that the parties to the contract agreement that gives the green light to conduct the DED are T.Y. Lin International Senior Vice President Sajid Abbas, Pyunghwa Engineering Executive Vice President Soo Young Park, Renardet S.A. Director Michele Coangelo, DCCD Engineering Corporation President Michael Roberto Reyes, and Project Director Sharif Madsmo Hasim of the implementing office DPWH-Unified Management Office Operations (UPMO) Roads Management Cluster 2 (Multilateral).

The signing ceremony was attended by Sadain, UPMO Project Managers Teresita Bauzon and Soledad R. Florencio and virtually witnessed by officials of ADB Philippine Country Office led by Director Kelly Bird.

Good News Pilipinas

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“This Bataan-Cavite Interlink Bridge Project will provide a permanent road linkage between the two provinces in Central Luzon and Southern Tagalog Region in order to reduce the journey time and ease traffic congestion through Metro Manila,” Public Works and Highways Secretary Mark Villar said in a statement.

It involves the construction of a 32.15 kilometers four-lane bridge starting from Barangay Alas-asin in Mariveles, Bataan crossing Manila Bay and terminating in Barangay Timalan, Naic, Cavite.

“Other than reducing travel time and lower vehicle operating costs, the Bataan-Cavite Interlink Bridge Project will provide opportunities for expansion outside Metro Manila for economic growth as well as support development of seaports of Cavite and Bataan as premier international shipping gateway to the country,” Villar added.

The soon to be largest and longest iconic bridge is expected to be reduced to 30 minutes the current five-hour travel time between the two provinces.

The mega bridge project also involves the construction of two navigation bridges – the North Channel Bridge and South Channel Bridge with main spans of 400 meters and 900 meters, respectively.

The proposed bridge project is composed of the following: Package 1 – Bataan Land Viaduct (5.04 km), Package 2 – Northern Marine Viaduct (8.0 km), Package 3 – Southern Marine Viaduct (12.6 km), Package 4 – Approach Viaducts to Northern and Southern Navigation Channel Bridges (2.6 km), Package 5 – Navigation Channel Bridges (2.6 km), Package 6 – Cavite Land Viaduct (1.31 km), and Package 7 – Ancillary Buildings.


Longest Bridge in the Philippines |Bataan - Cavite Interlink Bridge


