5G 애플 아이폰 12 공개 VIDEO: Apple unveils new iPhone 12 with super fast 5G connectivity,...

Apple unveils new iPhone 12 with super fast 5G connectivity, 12 megapixel main camera, flat edges and tough glass ceramic screen - as well as its all-new iPhone Mini for $699

Apple unveiled its new iPhone 12 during a live event hosted from Apple Park

The smartphone supports 5G cellular connectivity and has a new OLED screen

The display is designed with a ceramic shield that improves toughness

Apple also announced a new iPhone mini that has all the technology of the iPhone 12, but has a 5.4-inch screen and is available for $699

The iPhone 12 is designed with a new 12 megapixel camera system a seven-element lens that improves low-light performance by 27 percent

The exterior design looks similar to the 2010 iPhone 4, with rounder edges

The iPhone 12 costs $799, with pre-orders opening October 16 


PUBLISHED: 16:25 BST, 13 October 2020 | UPDATED: 17:08 BST, 14 October 2020


5G  애플 아이폰 12 공개

   애플은 전 세계 수백만 명이 시청한 생방송 행사에서 새로운 아이폰 12를 공식 공개했다.

이 스마트폰은 아이패드 프로와 비슷하게 생긴 둥근 모서리로 디자인되었으며 스마트폰으로 가장 크게 업그레이드 된 5G 셀룰러 연결성을 자랑한다.

애플에 따르면 이를 통해 초당 4기가바이트가 넘는 세계에서 가장 빠른 시스템인 베리존스 5G 초고화질 밴드에 접속할 수 있다.

아이폰12에는 세라믹 실드도 포함되어 있는데, 이 회사는 '어떤 스마트폰 유리보다 더 강하다'고 말한다.

새로 추가된 것은 '열과 전기에 사실상 불침투성'으로, 떨어뜨리면 내성이 더욱 강해진다.

애플은 아이폰12와 함께 아이폰12 프로, 아이폰프로맥스, 신제품 미니 등 3종의 스마트폰과 699달러의 가격표를 내놓았다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

Apple has officially unveiled the new iPhone 12 during a live event that was watched by millions from around the world.

The smartphone is designed with rounded edges that look similar to the iPad Pro and boasts 5G cellular connectivity - the biggest upgrade to the smartphone.

Apple has officially unveiled the new iPhone 12 event during a live event that was watched by millions from around the world. The smartphone is designed with rounded edges that look similar to the iPad Pro and boasts 5G cellular connectivity - the biggest upgrade to the smartphone

The tech giant showed off the new iPhone 12 family, which includes the flagship device, the iPhone Pro and Pro Max. Pictured is the new iPhone 12 shown in five different colors, including green and blue

This allows the device to access Verizons 5G ultrawide band, which is the fastest system in the world with over 4 gigabytes per second, according to Apple.

The iPhone 12 also includes a ceramic shield that the firm says is 'tougher than any smartphone glass.'

The new addition is 'virtually impervious to heat and electricity' and makes it more resistant if dropped. 

Along with the iPhone 12, Apple announced three other smartphones including the iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone Pro Max and its all-new iPhone mini with a price tag of $699. 

The tech giant also unleashed its fastest camera into the new lineup.

The dual-lens camera system boasts a 12-megapixel ultra-wide and wide lenses, along with a seven-element lens that improves low-light performance by 27 percent.

Apple is opening pre-orders for the iPhone 12 on October 16, which comes with a price tag of $799 - but devices will not include wall chargers or Lightning EarPods.

Scroll down for video 

iPhone 12 and iPhone 12 mini will be available in five aluminum finishes, including blue, green, black, white, and (PRODUCT)RED.

Pre-orders for iPhone 12 begin October 16 and will be available October 23. 


iPhone 12 mini will be available for pre-order starting November 6, and in stores by November 13.

Along with the iPhone 12, Apple announced three other smartphones including the iPhone 12 Pro, iPhone Pro Max and its all-new iPhone mini with a price tag of $699

The iPhone 12 also includes a ceramic shield (pictured is an enhance view of the screen) that the firm says is 'tougher than any smartphone glass.' The new addition is 'virtually impervious to heat and electricity' and makes it more resistant if dropped

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Apple iPhone 12 event in under 12 minutes 


