8살의 러시아 신동 피아니스트...모짜르트로 관객들 열광시키다 VIDEO: Mozart Piano Concerto No 3 in D major Елисей Мысин Young pianist and composer Enisey Mysin Moses

Child prodigy wows crowd with performance of Mozart's Concerto No 3 in D major

Elisey Mysin was performing in his native Russia

Watch his unbelievable performance below!

Elisha Russian young pianist 

Meet Elisey Mysin.

The Russian-born piano-lover, who is thought to be just 8-years-old (this is not confirmed), blew the audience at his concert away earlier this year when he performed Mozart's Concerto No 3 in D Major effortlessly in the city of Naberezhnye Chelny, Russia.


올해 초 러시아 나베레즈니예 첼니시에서 모차르트의 협주곡 3번 D장조를 힘들이지 않고 연주하는 불과 8살의 러시아 태생의 피아니스트가 콘서트에서 관객들을 열광시켰다.

Mozart Piano Concerto No 3 in D major Елисей Мысин Young pianist and composer Enisey Mysin Moses

