충격! “오사마 빈 라덴 살아있다” VIDEO: Navy SEAL who killed bin Laden slams Donald Trump for 'trampling on the graves of some of the best heroes' ..
Navy SEAL who killed bin Laden slams Donald Trump for 'trampling on the graves of some of the best heroes' by tweeting QAnon theory that Joe Biden had SEAL Team Six killed
Robert O'Neill describes the moment he pulled the trigger and shot Osama Bin Laden in a high-security compound in Abbottobad, Pakistan/ Daily Mail
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Former Navy SEAL Robert O'Neill hit back at President Trump for claiming that Biden and Obama killed SEAL Team Six after the Osama bin Laden raid
Trump retweeted a QAnon conspiracy theory this week that bin Laden lives
The conspiracy claims that a body double was killed in a botched 2011 raid
It suggests the White House covered it up by killing SEAL Team Six and claiming that bin Laden was dead anyway
O'Neill is famed for being the man to have shot bin Laden in the mission
He said it was 'trampling on the graves of some of the best heroes' for Trump to be pushing the theories
PUBLISHED: 04:13 BST, 15 October 2020 | UPDATED: 12:14 BST, 15 October 2020
오사마 빈 라덴 살아있다 오사마 빈 라덴을 사살한 전 네이비실(Navy SEAL)은 도널드 트럼프 대통령이 밀어붙인 QANN 음모론에 대해 "바이든이 습격 후 씰팀 6명을 살해했다"고 주장했다. 로버트 오닐(44)은 11일 밤 크리스 쿠오모와 함께 CNN에 출연해 팀이 빈 라덴을 죽이지 않았다고 주장하며 '국내 최고위급 인물'이 '일부 최고의 영웅들의 무덤을 파헤치는 것'이라는 혐오감을 토로했다. 오닐은 2011년 오사마 빈 라덴의 대역을 죽였을 뿐이다 이를 은폐하기 위해 오바마와 바이든 행정부가 이 임무의 팀을 살해하는 데 연루되었다는 것을 시사했다.
via youtube edited by kcontents 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator |
A scene of Movie Geronimo Raid: Navy SEALs Who Killed Bin Laden
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The former Navy SEAL who shot dead Osama bin Laden hit out at the QAnon conspiracy theory pushed by President Donald Trump that claims Biden had SEAL Team Six killed after the raid.
Robert O'Neill, 44, appeared with Chris Cuomo on CNN on Wednesday night to voice his disgust that the 'highest-ranking person in the country' would be 'trampling on the graves of some of the best heroes' by claiming the team had not killed Bin Laden.
The former Navy SEAL who shot dead Osama bin Laden, Robert O'Neill, hit out at the QAnon theory that claims the terrorist leader is still alive in an interview on CNN Wednesday
The online theory has suggested that O'Neill only killed a body double of bin Laden in the 2011 raid and that the Obama and Biden administration were implicated in the killing of the mission's team to cover it up.
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