말레이시아, 내년 345억불 규모 대형 인프라 프로젝트 발주 VIDEO: Mega projects worth RM143b may be rolled over into Budget 2021

CGS-CIMB Research: Mega projects worth RM143b may be rolled over into Budget 2021

Thursday, 08 Oct 2020 05:07 PM MYT

KUALA LUMPUR, Oct 8 — Six mega-projects worth RM143.06 billion, announced under Budget 2020, may potentially be rolled over into the upcoming budget given the delays and tender disruptions caused by the Covid-19 pandemic and the movement control order, CGS-CIMB Research said.

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말련, 내년도 예산안에 345억불 규모 인프라사업 반영 계획

   말레이시아 정부는 내년도 예산안에 345억불 규모의 대형 인프라 프로젝트를 반영할 계획이라고 Malay Mail(2020.10.08)이 보도했다.

해당 프로젝트는 말레이시아-싱가포르 연결 고속철 프로젝트(HSR, 164억불), Mass Rapid Transit Line 3(108억불), 페낭교통마스터플랜(Penang Transport Master Plan, 44억불), Serendah-Port Klang Rail Bypass(20억불), 조호바루-싱가포르 연결 고속철 사업(RTS, 7.5억불), Pan Borneo 고속도로 1단계 사업(1.5억불)이다.

이 중 MRT3, RTS,  Pan Borneo 프로젝트는 올해 착수 예정이었으나 코로나19에 따른 정부의 대규모 재정지출과 지난 3월 실시된 정권교체 등의 사유로 추진이 지연되어 오고 있다.

한편, 정부는 동 프로젝트가 포함된 대규모 인프라 개발계획인 제12차 말레이시아 플랜(12th Malaysian Plan, 2021-2025)을 오는 11월 중 발표할 계획인 것으로 알려졌다.


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In a note today, the research house said the projects included the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore High-Speed Rail (HSR), which is expected to cost RM68 billion, and the Mass Rapid Transit Line 3 or MRT3 (RM45 billion).

Others are the Penang Transport Master Plan (RM18 billion), Serendah-Port Klang Rail Bypass (RM8.3 billion), Johor Baru-Singapore Rapid Transit System (RTS) (RM3.16 billion) and Phase 1 of the Pan Borneo Highway (RM600 million).

CGS-CIMB pointed out that these potential mega-projects were likely be part of the Economic Recovery Plan (ERP) and the 12th Malaysia Plan (12MP).

“There has been greater engagement between the government and industry players on the MRT3 to potentially formulate a suitable model should the MRT3 be chosen as one of the key projects in 2021,” it said.


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In another development, it said the expiry of the end-December review period for the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore HSR was unchanged.

However, CGS-CIMB remained optimistic about the potential outcome of the project, which may emulate the implementation model of the Johor Baru-Singapore RTS.

Meanwhile, the research house is staying ”neutral” on the overall construction sector at this time given the lingering political uncertainties and limited details on the sector’s recovery plans due to the reported delay in the announcement of the medium- to long-term ERP, previously targeted for this month, to December.

It said YTL Corporation Bhd and Malaysian Resources Corporation Bhd remained its preferred plays as they were likely earlier beneficiaries of the civil works package and the development of HSR’s terminus in Bandar Malaysia, respectively.

According to CGS-CIMB, IJM Corporation Bhd is a potential MRT3 beneficiary, given its past track record in securing larger value packages for MRT1 and MRT2. — Bernama


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