인니, LNG · 폐기물 플랜트사업 발주 동향 LNG Indonesia's Panbil Group eyes LNG import facility at Karimun l Waste-to-energy projects prioritised in Indonesia

인니, LNG 프로젝트 추진동향

    PFI(2020.8.26)에 따르면 Panbil Group이 리아우(Riau)주의 카리문(Karimun)섬에 LNG 수입 터미널을 개발할 계획이다.

제안된 터미널은 약 6~8억불 규모로, USTDA의 재원으로 추진 중인 타당성 조사를 통해 터미널의 재기화(regasification) 용량과 PGI(Trans Gas Indeonesia)를 공급하는 55km 길이의 파이프라인 건설에 대한 경제성을 결정할 것으로 보인다.

정부는 천연가스 부족 전망에도 불구하고 향후 10년간 더 많은 가스화력발전소를 건설할 계획이다.

동 터미널은 최대 17만m³을 처리할 것으로 기대되며, 가스는 인도네시아의 탕구(Tangguh Train 3), 동기 세노로(Donggi Senoro), 또는 Cheniere Energy의 Corpus Christi LNG 터미널로부터 공급될 것으로 보인다.

아시아실 박형진 (Tel. 02-3406-1084), icak.or.kr

Upstream Onli

Indonesia's Panbil Group eyes LNG import facility at Karimun

The proposed terminal could cost $600 million to $800 million and would be located at Pulau Asam, which is about 33-kilometres away from Singapore's oil and gas hub Jurong, Executive Director Patrick Aritonang told Reuters

Indonesia's Panbil Group eyes LNG import facility at KarimunSINGAPORE: Indonesia's Panbil Group is conducting a feasibility study on building a liquefied natural gas (LNG) import terminal on Karimun Island of the Riau province in the next five years, a company executive said.

The proposal comes at a time when Asia's spot LNG prices have hit multi-year lows this year as the coronavirus pandemic depressed demand for the power fuel.

The proposed terminal could cost $600 million to $800 million and would be located at Pulau Asam, which is about 33-kilometres away from Singapore's oil and gas hub Jurong, Executive Director Patrick Aritonang told Reuters.


edited by kcontents

인니, 폐기물에너지화 프로젝트 추진동향

   인도네시아 남부 텡게랑(South Tengerang) 지역에 폐기물에너지화(Waste-to-energy) 프로젝트를 추진하기 위해 아시아개발은행(ADB)이 인도네시아 국가개발기획부(Bappenas)에게 자문을 제공하고 있다.

현재 개발 추진 중인 동 프로젝트의 용량은 연간 800톤으로, 당초 2022년에 운영을 개시할 계획이었으나, 코로나에 따른 봉쇄 정책 등으로 계획의 실현가능성은 불분명한 상태이다.

아시아실 박형진 (Tel. 02-3406-1084), icak.or.kr

The Insiders Stories

Waste-to-energy projects prioritised in Indonesia

Regulatory changes made in Indonesia should encourage foreign businesses to invest in new waste-to-energy (WTE) projects earmarked for development across 12 cities in the country.

The Indonesian government's ambitious WTE projects plan, which includes plans for a major WTE plant in the capital city Jakarta, aims to deliver a combined capacity of 234MW of power by 2022. That timeline for completion of the projects has been cast into doubt as a consequence of the economic fallout from the coronavirus crisis, but some progress has been reported and even with likely delay there remains the potential for a pipeline of projects over the coming years.



