[포스트 코로나] 혁신적인 영화관 좌석 디자인 Design Studio Reimagines Movie Theater Seating for a Post-COVID World

Design Studio Reimagines Movie Theater Seating for a Post-COVID World

By Sonya Harris on September 19, 2020


Certain aspects of the entertainment industry have been reluctantly jettisoned this past year due to COVID-19 lockdowns and necessary precautions—one of which is access to a safe and exhilarating movie-going experience. On the upside, London-based design studio LAYER is not only helping to reimagine what entertainment life could look like after lockdowns, but is also presenting it in a hopeful and thoughtful way. The innovative design studio has created a series of seating units to help soothe the COVID-19 anxieties of uneasy moviegoers. The series of lustrous seats—which are titled SEQUEL—aspire to contribute to a new renaissance of entertainment culture post-COVID-19.

Post-COVID Movie Theater Seats by LAYER Studio


[포스트 코로나] 혁신적인 영화관 좌석 디자인

런던 디자인 스튜디오 레이어

   런던에 본사를 둔 디자인 스튜디오 레이어는 코로나 이후 엔터테인먼트 생활이 어떤 모습일 수 있는지 재구상하는 데 도움을 줄 뿐만 아니라 희망적이고 사려 깊은 방식으로 선보이고 있다. 이 혁신적인 디자인 스튜디오는 불안한 영화팬들의 COVID-19 불안을 달래기 위해 일련의 좌석 유닛을 만들었다. SEFICE라는 제목이 붙은 일련의 광택 있는 좌석들은 COVID-19 이후의 엔터테인먼트 문화의 새로운 르네상스에 기여하는 것을 암시한다.

이 좌석은 "안전"을 우선으로 하여 설계되었지만, 여행과 안락에 관한 경험도 혼합하기를 희망한다. 완전히 조절 가능한 좌석은 더 멀리 떨어져 있으며 위생에 가장 적합한 세부사항을 포함한다. 미래의 영화 관람객들은 개인 소지품을 보관하기 위한 작은 수납공간은 말할 것도 없고 착탈식 서리 보호막과 좌석 자체를 살균하는 UV-C 램프 등 세부적인 것에 매료된 자신을 발견할 수 있을 것이다. 시트의 직물 업스트림(3D 니트)은 소수성이며 틈새의 흙 축적을 막기 위해 짜낸 항균 구리 실이 포함되어 있다. SEFICE 유닛의 슬림한 프레임(예년도의 대형 극장 좌석에 비해 불편하다고 오해할 수 있음)은 다양한 방식으로 다양한 체형을 지원하도록 설계된 LEADER의 에어버스 좌석을 본떠 만든 것이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

The units are designed with “safety” as a priority, but they also hope to blend experiences relating to travel and comfort. The fully adjustable seats are placed further apart and include details optimal for sanitation. Future moviegoers could find themselves enticed by details such as removable frosted protective screens and a UV-C lamp that sterilizes the seat itself, not to mention a small storage space that’s intended to hold personal belongings. The seat's fabric upholstery (which is 3D knitted) is hydrophobic and includes antibacterial copper threads that are woven in a way to deter dirt accumulation in crevices. The slim frame of the SEQUEL units (which could be mistaken as uncomfortable in comparison to larger theater seats of yesteryear) is modeled after LAYER’s Airbus seating, which is designed to support different body types in a variety of ways.

SEQUEL will also include all the movie-going trimmings including head speakers with immersive sound, movable armrests, and flat tray tables. There are even LED panels built into individual headrests which are intended to flash the patron’s name and seat number. The stain-repelling material used in the seats will allow for theater staff to quickly clean up spaces after each show. The seat even includes a cinema aesthetic aspect by featuring a color palette that is inspired by the pastels used in Wes Anderson films.

Keep an eye out for SEQUEL units, which may be coming to a theater near you!

Design studio LAYER has created the next generation of movie theater seats for a post-COVID-19 world.

Post-COVID-19 Movie Theater Seat Design

The seats are called SEQUEL and their aesthetic is influenced by filmmaker Wes Anderson and his film's color palette.

The tech included on the seats is designed to ensure physical comfort, easy use, and hygienic safety.

The chairs are spaced further apart than traditional theater seats and include removable frosted protective screens.

LED lighting will also flash ticket holders' names to better assign seats and avoid any seating confusion.




