세계 축구선수 수입 순위 톱 5 The World’s Highest-Paid Soccer Players 2020: Messi Wins, Mbappe Rises l 김광현, 개인 최다 투구 이닝, 최다 탈삼진 기록 모두 갈아치워

The World’s Highest-Paid Soccer Players 2020: Messi Wins, Mbappe Rises

When it comes to measuring the greatest players in the world’s most beautiful game, the focus inevitably turns to a pair of rivals with household names and exclusive claims to being the only team-sport athletes to earn $1 billion during their careers. It may be time to make room for a third.

Lionel Messi celebrating scoring a goal in the 2019-20 UEFA Champions League competition.

Barcelona's Argentine forward Lionel Messi AFP VIA GETTY IMAGES


세계 축구선수 수입 순위 톱 5 

   리오넬 메시는 1억2600만달러로 2위를 차지한 유벤투스의 호날두를 밀어내고 1억1700만달러로 올해 포브스 최고 연봉 축구선수 1위를 다시 한 번 차지했다. 그러나 축구팬들은 4,800만 달러로 4위에 오른 파리 생제르맹 공격수 킬리안 음바페에 새로운 매력을 느끼고 있다.


음바페는 5년 전 프로로 전향한 이후 모든 대회에서 103골을 기록, 파리 구단과 프랑스 대표팀의 떠오르는 핫샷이다. 19세 때 프랑스 팀의 역대 두 번째 우승을 도우며 전설적인 펠레(1958년 17세) 이후 최연소 월드컵 골을 넣은 선수가 됐다. 그는 이 경기의 두 지도자가 그의 나이였을 때 앞서고 있다. 프랑스 리그 1에서 두 번이나 득점왕을 차지한 이 선수는 이미 메시가 21살 때 가진 것보다 12개, 호날두보다 76개 더 많은 통산 골을 가지고 있다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

Lionel Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo top this year’s Forbes ranking of the highest-paid soccer players once again, after Messi resolved a weeks-long contract drama to land the top spot with $126 million, nudging out Juventus’ Ronaldo, who comes in at No. 2 with $117 million. But soccer fans have a new object of fascination in Kylian Mbappe, the Paris Saint-Germain striker who lands in fourth place with $48 million.

Mbappe is the rising hot shot of both the Paris club and the French national team, having amassed 103 goals in all competitions since turning professional five years ago. At age 19, he became the youngest player to score a World Cup goal since the legendary Pelé (who did it in 1958 at age 17) while helping the French team win its second title in history. He’s ahead of the game’s two leaders when they were his age: The two-time top goal-scorer in France’s Ligue 1 already has 12 more career goals than Messi had at age 21 and 76 more than Ronaldo. 


edited by kcontents

He’s also making a heck of a lot more than they were at his age, too. The kid from Bondy, a poor Parisian suburb, became the sport’s most expensive teenager when Paris Saint-Germain shelled out $215 million to his former club Monaco for his rights in 2017 and signed him to a contract that will pay him $28 million this season. Nike and luxury watchmaker Hublot both feature him prominently, and EA Sports announced him as its cover boy for FIFA 21, making him one of the youngest ever to grace that brand’s cover solo.

The 21-year-old is topped on the list once again this year by teammate Neymar (No. 3, $96 million), but the dynamic is poised to shift as Mbappe is expected to get a bumper new contract in 2022 when his current contract expires.

In all, the top ten players in the world are expected to pull in $570 million in salary, bonuses and endorsements this upcoming season, barring no further pandemic pauses of the kind that led to the 30% to 70% pay cuts last spring across European leagues. The list’s combined haul is up 11% from the 2019-20 season.

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세계 축구선수 수입 순위 톱 5

   미국 경제 전문지 포브스는 2020년 전 세계 축구선수 수입 순위에서 1억2천600만달러(약 1천490억원)를 번 메시가 1위를 차지했다고 14일(한국시간) 보도했다.


(서울=연합뉴스) 장예진 기자 jin34@yna.co.kr

김광현 2020 미국프로야구 등판일지

   신장 경색' 증세를 극복하고 13일 만에 건강하게 다시 마운드에 선 김광현(32·세인트루이스 카디널스)이 개인 최다 투구 이닝, 최다 탈삼진 기록을 모두 갈아치웠다.

(서울=연합뉴스) 장예진 기자 =jin34@yna.co.kr


