워싱턴 포스트 기자, 한국 코로나 검사의 허상 What I learned about contact tracing when the tracers came for me

워싱턴 포스트 기자, 광화문 핸드폰 추적으로 강제검사 받은 미디 힘든 기사 올려

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What I learned about contact tracing when the tracers came for me


Medical workers prepare on Aug. 19 to test police officers who were mobilized to keep order at a rally in Seoul the previous weekend. (Jeon Heon-Kyun/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock)

SEOUL — The polite man on the phone introduced himself as a public servant named Jinho, and he wanted to know: Was I at the protest at Gwanghwamun on Aug. 15?

Usually I’d be interested to observe a protest, even if not for work. But that Saturday, my focus had been on getting my life set up after moving to Seoul for my next reporting assignment.

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