100% 전기동력 무공해 플라잉 택시 VIDEO: British company unveils all-electric 'flying taxi' that will be able to carry up to four passengers between London and Brighton in 30 minutes with zero emissions

British company unveils all-electric 'flying taxi' that will be able to carry up to four passengers between London and Brighton in 30 minutes with zero emissions

The VA-1X will have a wingspan of 49 feet and a max cruising speed of 150 mph

It is being developed by Bristol-based Vertical Aerospace and the US' Honeywell

The battery-powered craft is expected to begin commercial flights in 2024

Flights will cost less than travelling in a helicopter, likely around £5–10 per mile



PUBLISHED: 15:01 BST, 26 August 2020 | UPDATED: 15:15 BST, 26 August 2020


100% 전기동력 무공해 플라잉 택시

  런던에서 브라이튼까지 30분 만에 최대 4명의 승객을 태울 수 있는 100% 전기 '날아다니는 택시' 디자인이 영국 기업에 의해 공개됐다.

무공해 비행선인 'VA-1X'는 포뮬러 1 기술을 사용하여 최고 속도를 시속 150마일(240km), 최대 사거리 약 100마일(160km)에 도달할 것이다.

브리스톨에 본사를 둔 버티컬에어로스페이스사는 이 우주선이 공인된 최초의 날개가 달린 전기 수직이착륙(eVTOL) 우주선이 될 것이라고 말했다.

이 회사는 VA-1X가 내년부터 시작될 비행시험에 이어 2024년에 지상 바로 위에서 상업적 비행을 시작할 것으로 예상하고 있다.

버티컬에어로스페이스사에 따르면, 이 우주선을 타고 여행하는 사람들은 헬리콥터와 자가용 사이에서 1마일(1.6km)당 약 5-10파운드(약 8,000~16,000원)의 비용을 지불하게 될 것이라고 한다.

VA-1X는 VA-1X와 달리 12쌍의 블레이드를 가진 멀티콥터였던 세라프(Seraph)라는 회사의 이전 설계의  후속작이다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

The zero-emission flyer — the 'VA-1X' — will use Formula 1 tech to reach top cruising speeds of around 150 miles per hour and a maximum range of some 100 miles.

Bristol-based designers Vertical Aerospace said that the craft is set to be the first winged, electric vertical-take-off-and-landing (eVTOL) craft to be certified.

Designs for an all-electric 'flying taxi', pictured, that will be able to carry up to four passengers from London to Brighton in just 30 minutes have been unveiled by a British firm

The firm expects that the VA-1X will begin commercial flights in 2024 — whizzing right over ground-based traffic — following flight testing which will begin next year.

According to Vertical Aerospace, trips in the craft will likely end up costing travellers around £5–10 per mile travelled — between that of a helicopter and a private car.

The zero-emission flyer — the 'VA-1X', pictured — will use Formula 1 tech to reach top cruising speeds of around 150 miles per hour and a maximum range of some 100 miles

The VA-1X is the spiritual successor of the firm's previous design — dubbed the Seraph — which, unlike the VA-1X, was a multicopter with twelve pairs of blades.

While the underlying principle was different, the VA-1X has been designed with the experience gained from developing the Seraph, its batteries and its flight controls.

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