한국, 역대 2번째 코로나 감염자 441명 기록...국가 봉쇄 가능성도 대두 VIDEO: South Korea sees its highest number of coronavirus infections for months as transmissions get out of control and country looks set for a lockdown

South Korea sees its highest number of coronavirus infections for months as transmissions get out of control and country looks set for a lockdown

South Korea reported 441 new cases of covid - highest increase since March 7

More than 300 of the new infections were in Seoul, home to half the population

Health officials say they are facing the biggest crisis since pandemic started

Lee Hae-chan, chief of the ruling Democratic Party, receives a polymerase chain reaction test at an outdoor clinic in the Yeongdeungpo Ward of Seoul, South Korea, 27 August 2020, after a reporter covering him was confirmed to be infected with the new coronavirus 


PUBLISHED: 09:14 BST, 27 August 2020 | UPDATED: 09:35 BST, 27 August 2020


한국, 역대 2번째 코로나 감염자 441명 기록...국가 봉쇄 가능성도 대두

지난 3월 27일 483건 기록 후 최고치

   한국은 목요일에 코로나바이러스 감염자 441명이 새로 발생했다고 발표했는데 이는 4개월 동안 매일 가장 높은 증가율이며 엄격한 차단 조치를 취할 가능성이 매우 높다.

한국은 지난 14일 동안 매일 세 자리씩의 점프를 하는 동안 거의 4,000명의 감염자를 병동에 추가했고, 보건 전문가들은 병원의 수용량이 부족할 수도 있다고 경고하고 있다.

441건은 3월 7일 신고된 483건 이후 일일 증가율이 가장 높았다. 한국질병관리본부는 새로운 환자 중 315명이 전국 5,100만 인구의 절반이 거주하는 수도권에서 발생했으며, 보건 종사자들이 교회, 식당, 학교, 근로자 등 다양한 소스와 연계된 감염을 추적하기 위해 애쓰고 있다고 밝혔다.

한 여당 지도부의 회의를 취재한 기자에 대한 양성 반응으로 목요일에 12명 이상의 여당 국회의원들이 국회 문을 닫고 고립될 수 밖에 없었다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

South Korea reported 441 new cases of coronavirus on Thursday - its highest daily increase for four months - making strict lockdown measures very likely.  

The country has added nearly 4,000 infections to its caseload while reporting triple-digit daily jumps in each of the past 14 days, prompting health experts to warn about hospitals possibly running out of capacity.

The 441 cases was the highest daily increase since the 483 reported on March 7. South Korea's Centers for Disease Control and Prevention said 315 of the new cases were from the Seoul metropolitan area, home to half of the country's 51 million people, where health workers have struggled to track infections linked to various sources, including churches, restaurants, schools and workers.

The National Assembly in Seoul was shut down and more than a dozen ruling party lawmakers were forced to isolate Thursday following a positive test of a journalist who covered a ruling party leaders' meeting.


The 441 cases on Thursday (Aug. 27) was the highest daily increase since the 483 reported on March 7

People walk through the Myeongdong shopping district in Seoul on August 27, 2020

Infections were also reported in major cities and provincial towns around the country, including Gwangju, Busan, Daejeon and Daegu, a southeastern city that was the epicenter of a massive outbreak in late February and March that was stabilised by April.

Health officials have described the outbreak over the past two weeks as the country's biggest crisis since the emergence of COVID-19. While the outbreak in the Daegu region was mostly tied to a single church congregation, health workers are having more difficulty tracking transmissions in the much more populated capital area where clusters have been popping up from various places.

A medical worker at the COVID-19 test facility on August 26, 2020 in Seoul, South Korea

After resisting such steps for months out of economic concerns, the country has stepped up social distancing restrictions nationwide, banning large gatherings, shutting churches and nightspots, removing fans from professional sports and shifting most schools back to remote learning.

There are views that such measures aren't enough. Heath officials have lamented that people are continuing to venture out in the public, saying that transportation activity in the Seoul area declined by only 20% in the past weekend.

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South Korea ‘on the brink of a nationwide outbreak’, authorities warn 


