러시아 유튜버, 1만 리터 콜라 분출반응 시험 VIDEO: Incredible moment a Russian YouTuber attempts to set off the 'biggest Coca-Cola chemical eruption..

Incredible moment a Russian YouTuber attempts to set off the 'biggest Coca-Cola chemical eruption ever' using 10,000 litres of pop and a huge pile of baking soda

YouTuber Maxim  posted a video documenting the experiment in Russia 

Involved dropping baking soda into a vat filled with 10,000 of Coke 

Believed the whole experiment cost approximately 700,000 rubles (£7,000)



PUBLISHED: 11:14 BST, 24 August 2020 | UPDATED: 16:38 BST, 24 August 2020


러시아 유튜버의 1만 리터의 콜라 분출반응 시험

  러시아의 한 유튜버가 코카콜라를 폭발시키는 소위 애버그린 바이럴 트렌드를 되살리기 위해 1만 리터의 콜라를 가져왔다

마믹스로 알려진 인기 있는 블로거 맥심 모나호프는 팝이 베이킹 소다와 섞이고 난 후 강력한 소다 간헐천이 만들어지는 순간을 기록했다.

금요일에 게재된 이 동영상은 이미 600만 뷰를 돌파했다.

현장에서, 불평할 만한 어떤 것 또는 누구와도 떨어져서, 그 팀은 그들의 실험을 시작했다.

"나는 오늘 비디오에 총 70만 루블 이상을 쓸 것이다."라고 마믹스가 비디오에서 말한다.

동영상에는 수천 리터의 코카콜라가 병에서 가압되고 견고하게 만들어진 통에 쏟아진다.

이 인터넷 스타는 엄청난 양의 이산화탄소 가스를 빠르게 발생을  촉발하기 위해 베이킹 소다를 사용했다.

이러한 화학반응은 멘토스에 의해 촉발된 물리적 반응과 근본적으로 다르다. 이는 종종 비슷한 효과를 내기 위해 사용된다.

그는 미맥스가 멘토스보다 베이킹 소다를 더 저렴하고 효과적이기 때문에 선택했다고 말한다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

A Russian YouTuber has revived the evergreen viral trend of making Coke explode and taken it to the extreme, with 10,000 litres of the drink. 

Popular vlogger Maxim Monakhov, known as Mamix, recorded the moment an almighty soda geyser is produced after the pop is mixed with baking soda. 

The video, posted on Friday, has already amassed more than six million views.  


Popular vlogger Maxim Monakhov, known as Mamix, recorded the moment an almighty soda geyser is produced after Coke is mixed with baking soda

A Russian YouTuber has revived the evergreen viral trend of making Coke explode and taken it to the extreme, with 10,000 litres of the drink

In a field, away from anything or anyone who might complain, the team set up their experiment. 

'In total, I will spend more than 700,000 rubles [over £7,000] for the video today,' says Mamix in the video.

In the video, thousands of litres of Coke are poured from commercial bottles into a custom-built vat which is pressurised and sturdily built. 

The internet star used baking soda to trigger the eruption of pop, which rapidly creates huge amounts of carbon dioxide gas. 

This chemical reaction is fundamentally different to the physical reaction triggered by Mentos sweets - which are often used to create a similar effect. 

via youtube

edited by kcontents

Mimax opted for baking soda over Mentos because it is cheaper and more effective, he says. 

Mimax and his team effectively ramped up a popular school experiment which has been around for decades - vinegar and baking soda.  

One element of the reaction is acidic (Coke or vinegar) while the baking soda acts as a base.  

Hydrogen from the acidic liquid reacts with the carbonate to produce hydrogen carbonate, an intermediate compound. 

This then almost instantaneously breaks down into carbon dioxide and water. It is the CO2 which leads to the eruption.   

Although the reaction demonstrated in the video is different to the famous Mentos experiment, the end result is roughly the same and the video shows the enormous plume of Coke.   



