나토의 결집력...영국 근해 접근 '러시아 함대' 격퇴 VIDEO: Royal Navy scrambles to intercept fleet of NINE Russian warships spotted in waters close to UK
Royal Navy scrambles to intercept fleet of NINE Russian warships spotted in waters close to UK
The Russians were tracked through some of the busiest sea lanes in the world by the Navy and allies including Portugal, Canada, Germany, Norway and Denmark
NATO allies involved in the operation to monitor 'every movement' of the fleet
Corvettes, landing ships and missile-armed patrol boats had been spotted
Commanding officers say Russians 'operated in safe and professional manner'
PUBLISHED: 15:38 BST, 19 August 2020 | UPDATED: 16:36 BST, 19 August 2020
나토의 결집력...영국 근해 접근 '러시아 함대' 격퇴 영국 근해에서 '높은 감시 상황'이 감지된 후 영국 해군은 9척의 러시아 군함을 철수시켰다. 나토 동맹국들과 함께 수행된 작전은 러시아 함대의 '모든 움직임'을 감시하기 위해 해상 초계함 HMS 머지와 HMS 타이네가 23형 호위함 웨스트민스터에 합류했다. 이는 스테레구시치급 코벳 3척과 로푸차급 상륙함 3척, 미사일로 무장한 순시선 같은 수로 구성됐다. 러시아함대는 포르투갈, 캐나다, 독일, 노르웨이, 덴마크와 같은 동맹국들과 해군에 의해 세계에서 가장 붐비는 몇몇 해상로를 통해 추적되었다. 근해 초계함 HMS 머시가 영국 근해에서 목격된 9척의 러시아 군함 중 하나를 그림자처럼 따라다니고 있다. 영국 해군 군함들은 발트해에서 대서양까지 북유럽 해역을 순찰하는 매우 높은 준비태세를 갖춘 NATO 해상 1그룹(SNMG1)에 배정되었다 영국 함정은 태스크 그룹의 주력함인 포르투갈 프리깃함 NRP Corte-Real, 핼리팩스급 프리깃함 HMCS 토론토와 긴밀하게 협력한 반면 독일, 노르웨이, 덴마크 해군도 지원 함정들을 보냈다. 황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터 Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator |
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The Royal Navy has forced back nine Russian warships after 'heightened levels of activity' were noticed in waters close to the UK.
An operation carried out alongside NATO allies saw offshore patrol vessels HMS Mersey and HMS Tyne join Type 23 frigate Westminster in monitoring 'every movement' of the Russian fleet.
Russian ships had dispersed after their Navy Day in St Petersburg last month and sailed out from the Baltic Sea and into the North Sea for large-scale exercises.
This was made up of three Steregushchiy-class corvettes, three Ropucha-class landing ships and the same number of missile-armed patrol boats.
The Russians were tracked through some of the busiest sea lanes in the world by the Navy and allies including Portugal, Canada, Germany, Norway and Denmark.
Offshore patrol vessel HMS Mersey shadows one of the nine Russian warships seen in waters close to the UK
The Royal Navy warships were assigned to the very high readiness Standing NATO Maritime Group 1 (SNMG1), which patrols the waters of northern Europe from the Baltic to the Atlantic
British ships worked closely with Portuguese frigate NRP Corte-Real – the task group's flagship – and Halifax-class frigate HMCS Toronto of the Royal Canadian Navy, while there were numerous supporting vessels from German, Norwegian and Danish navies.
Royal Fleet Auxiliary tanker RFA Tideforce helped keep the ships at sea by replenishing fuel and supplies.
Commanding Officer of HMS Westminster, Commander Will Paston, said: 'The Royal Navy demonstrated its flexibility in being able to shadow the Russian Navy units.
'While the Russian Navy operated in a safe and professional manner, HMS Westminster combined with NATO-allied units across the North Sea and Baltic Sea to escort them throughout.'
HMS Westminster joined NRP Corte-Real in the north, monitoring the missile-armed patrol boats, while under the control of HMCS Toronto, HMS Tyne and Mersey shadowed the corvettes and landing ships as they headed south towards the English Channel.
'Shadowing missions such as this are increasingly routine for Mersey and her sister ships of the Royal Navy's Overseas Patrol Squadron,' added Lt Cdr Edwards-Bannon.
An operation carried out alongside NATO allies saw offshore patrol vessels HMS Mersey, pictured, and HMS Tyne join Type 23 frigate Westminster in monitoring 'every movement' of the Russian fleet
British ships worked closely with Portuguese frigate NRP Corte-Real – the task group's flagship – and Halifax-class frigate HMCS Toronto of the Royal Canadian Navy, while there were numerous supporting vessels from German, Norwegian and Danish navies
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Nine Russian Warships near UK escorted by Royal Navy and NATO allies kcontents