유튜버, 수술용 마스크 발사 총 만들어 VIDEO: YouTuber aims to take down 'mask-holes' with pneumatic gun that fires a surgical mask at your face

YouTuber aims to take down 'mask-holes' with pneumatic gun that fires a surgical mask at your face

Tired of anti-maskers, YouTuber Allen Pan said 'an American problem demands an American solution'

He built his pistol with a C02 canister, a solenoid and part of a car's brake line

Weighted magnets tied on the mask's corners give it some heft and help it wrap around a target's face 

The gun had mixed results, but it's engaging people about public health  



PUBLISHED: 23:34 BST, 17 August 2020 | UPDATED: 23:34 BST, 17 August 2020


유튜버, 수술용 마스크 발사 총 만들어

   마스크 착용은 COVID-19 확산 가능성을 현저히 감소시킨다는 것은 모두가 인정한다.

그러나 많은 미국인들은 여전히 공공장소에서 얼굴을 가리는 것을 거부하는데, 이는 어떤 이들은 자신들이 효과적이지 못하거나 불편하다고 생각하고 다른 이들은 이산화탄소 중독을 유발할 수 있다고 생각하기 때문이다. 반면 어떤 사람들은 그저 게을러졌을 뿐이다.

목표물의 얼굴에 수술용 마스크를 발사하는 총을 만든 [유튜버 앨런 팬]으로 들어가보세요

마스크건은 CO2 캐니스터, 자동차 브레이크 라인의 일부, 스페어 페인트 캔의 권총 그립을 방아쇠로 삼아 제작됐다.

마네킹에 마스크를 쏘는 첫 번째 시도 후, 그 혁신은 100% 성공적이었다.

판 씨는 구독자가 100만 명이 넘는 자신의 유튜브 채널에 자신의 발명품에 대한 동영상을 올렸다.

황기철 콘페이퍼 에디터

Ki Chul Hwang Conpaper editor curator

edited by kcontents

A preponderance of evidence proves that wearing a mask significantly reduces the chances of spreading COVID-19.

But many Americans still refuse to don face coverings in public, as some believe they are ineffective or uncomfortable and others think they can cause carbon dioxide poisoning - while some people are just plain lazy. 

YouTuber Allen Pan Pan built a gun that fires a surgical mask to take down anti-maskers. He hooked up a C02 solenoid valve (pictured) to part of a car’s brake line and used the pistol grip from a pray paint can as his trigger. Small weighted magnets on the corner of the mask give it heft and help it wrap around a target's face

Enter YouTuber Allen Pan, who has literally weaponized the war on 'mask-holes' with a gun that launches a surgical mask at a target's face.

The mask gun was built using a CO2 canister, part of a car's break line and the pistol grip of a spary paint can as the trigger.

After the first attempt of shooting a mask onto a mannequin, the innovation proved to be 100 percent successful.

YouTuber Allen Pan Pan built a gun that fires a surgical mask to take down anti-maskers. He hooked up a C02 solenoid valve (pictured) to part of a car's brake line and used the pistol grip from a pray paint can as his trigger. Small weighted magnets on the corner of the mask give it heft and help it wrap around a target's face


Pan has more than a million subscribers on his YouTube channel, Sufficiently Advanced. His gun worked perfectly the first time he fired it, but subsequent attempts were a bit wide of the mark

Pan, posted a video about his invention on his YouTube channel, Sufficiently Advanced, which has more than a million subscribers.

'There are so many smart people who have made so many videos about how masks are safe and effective,' Pan said, 'If that works, it would've worked by now.' 

Shooting Masks onto People's Faces


